World Wide Construction comes to a Shuddering Halt - Jehovah's Blessing has Evidently been Suspended!

by Slidin Fast 113 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It wouldn't surprise me if eventually Kingdom Halls were sold and people were told to meet in private homes in preparation for the Great Tribulation.

    Or have Tele-meetings where the publishers watch the meetings broadcast from Bethel, in their own homes, only meeting together in person for the money making Assemblies, a few times a year.

  • mana11
    PURE CULT - just need a passing comet
  • Magwitch

    the governing body loves you very much and just to trust in Jehovah and make it a matter of prayer

    Sounds like James 2:16...Go in peace; keep warm and well fed.

    I sure hope whatever curb these brothers are being kicked to, they have some good welfare programs from the government.

  • Saintbertholdt
    The stress now is on getting as many people in the truth as possible before the end!

    The end for whom?

  • Fisherman
    This is the biggest news since Oct 1, 1914 and the best confirmation is calls to branches with conflicting information. How in the world is it possible to keep information like this under your hat when it involves thousands of people doing construction around the globe and possibly millions having knowledge. IT would be like hiding the sun with your finger. You don't need an announcement, it would be self evident. I suppose anything is possible though, but it is out of phase with wts protocol. They don't do stuff like this, stooping the work all of a sudden without any prior hints, not unless because some sudden unexpected event. People would know this by now.
  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    Fisherman, they do know, the secret is out.
  • cofty
    They don't do stuff like this, stooping the work all of a sudden without any prior hints, not unless because some sudden unexpected event - Fisherman

    Financial worries have been obvious for many months. It appears something has happened in the past few days to turn it into a crisis. There is no longer the slightest doubt that it is for real.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    Just listening to some music on YouTube. This piece seems to be quite apt.

    Wondrous Stories by Yes

  • sir82

    They don't do stuff like this, stooping the work all of a sudden without any prior hints, not unless because some sudden unexpected event. People would know this by now.

    Splutter and bluster all you want, it's happening, dude.

  • fulltimestudent

    Do you think that Yahweh is teaching them something ???? ROTFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!

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