World Wide Construction comes to a Shuddering Halt - Jehovah's Blessing has Evidently been Suspended!

by Slidin Fast 113 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jookbeard
    Slidin Fast ; where are you getting this info from? do you live close to Chelmsford? do you know people working on it? it might be an idea to put some actual links in?
  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    jookbeard sometimes you have to careful what you say. It would be easy to spill the beans on lots of things but I am in a trapped in situation so I am afraid I have to be careful how far I go.

  • steve2
    Slidin - have you had an fallout from whay you have put out here on this forum in such a clearcut way - your statements in the OP are pretty dogmatic.
  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Steve, I am sorry if I come across as dogmatic. Its probably years of WT conditioning. The trouble is, i know what I know so I speak what I speak. I suppose the facts are what they are, my opinions as to their significance are open to debate but I feel strongly about what is happening.

    I haven't had much fallout. Some on here ask for evidence, that creates a problem as I've said before but time should confirm the truth of it.

  • Crazyguy
    Its interesting that in a different thread it was brought out that they have taken all the money and assets out of Canada or relieved it from the Canadian branch. Why would they do this, Canada doesn't seem to have a court system that allows for large punitive damages so why?
  • Vidiot

    @ Crazyguy...

    I think they did it for the same reason they did it in Australia during their scrutiny by the RC.

    They anticipate a Canadian equivalent.

  • steve2
    Thanks for your answer Slidin Fast. Yes, time will tell.
  • pepperheart
    more cut backs rather than doing printing in uk get it done in germany if it cost about £200,000 for the new accomadation in the uk it would take many years for a lorry once a month going the 500 miles that it is from selters to london
  • jookbeard
    my mole from the inside tells me plans for a gym there have been ditched
  • mrquik
    They closed 2 more halls here in upstate NY that I know of. Still haven't figured out why the hoarding of all this cash. Can they be that afraid of pending & future lawsuits? Oh, and by the way, the R&F I talk to are clueless. So much for the work SPEEDING UP as end draws near.

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