Am I helping?

by be wise 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • be wise
    be wise

    I was brought up as a jw and I always thought it was full of small mindedness, in it's simple, simple explanations for life. I was the youngest in a family of 5 brothers and sisters, and I am very proud that I am the only one out of my family that has had the guts to really question everything i've been taught for well, all my life, because my family are pretty hardcore about it, as most are. We're not a close family, most are not because once the religion is taken away no one views you the same, this makes me sick just thinking about it. I've got a disfellowshiped brother, so i've experienced that side of it, because when the elders said i shouldn't be talking or associating with him, I was so weak mentally, because of what i'd been bombarded with constantly, I didn't. I lived with that heart renching guilt for a long time. The thing is it's so blatentley obvious when your not in such a twisted enviroment, yet to them it's so normal. That's what I find so amazing, I was your typical very young brainwashed jw and somehow I found a way out entirely on my own. It has been a lonely experience but worth it all. What makes me laugh is that my dad used to think it was ok to beat us if we did what he thought was wrong and then put on his suit, such a saving grace are them suits, well that's just personal experience but I also have experienced the underlying unbalanced attiutude that all jw's have. The thing is i've been on my own with this for a long time. I was very depressed as a jw cos that's how they made me feel. I'm 23, i'm at college and at the top of my class studying music and feeling pretty exellent compared to before, I have ambition and drive something that was sucked out of me for a long time. I'm really glad that there is support out ther for people like us, namely websites like this. I have read some bitter rubbish but also some people who have it worked out as well and have helped me. I was just wondering is there anything more we can do as well as just writing comments. I am not interested in studying doctrine, i've had a lifetime of it but I think it's important that I do something to help others like me.

  • jgnat

    Telling your story is a good start. You never know who might be reading it.

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, be wise.

    Glad to hear you were able to deprogram yourself. That must have been hard and lonely. I am also glad you hear you are doing something with your life. Be proud of what you can accomplish and enjoy the life that lays ahead of you.



  • Brummie
    somehow I found a way out entirely on my own

    I am real pleased to hear that you got out, your user name suits you. Coming out alone is very isolating and scary so you must have had such a mental battle, I was the first exjw in my family and it was a killer (I did have none JW family on my dads side but hadn't associated with them for years). It takes time but we meet real friends and build ourselves another life.

    Glad you shared be-wise, yes you are helping by encouraging many people here and will always be there to help others with your unique insight into destructive movements like the Watchtower.

    Hope we can encourage you too

    Welcome aboard


  • Swan


    I've got a disfellowshiped brother, so i've experienced that side of it, because when the elders said i shouldn't be talking or associating with him, I was so weak mentally, because of what i'd been bombarded with constantly, I didn't. I lived with that heart renching guilt for a long time.
    I was just wondering is there anything more we can do as well as just writing comments.

    If you haven't contacted your disfellowshipped brother already, that would be a good place to start. He would probably be glad to know he isn't the only one to wake up and smell the coffee.


  • hoodwinked

    Welcome be wise! I am new here also and too have DF'ed family members who still attend meetings. I couldn't imagine shunning them and I think that's one of the main reasons why I decided to really take a look at what these men teach, doctrines of men. It is not humane or Christian to treat people, especailly the ones you love, with such callousness. It really angers me that they make families obey these doctrines of men for the sake of their sadistic religion. God instituted the family and the marriage arrangement and they continue to disassemble God's institutions. Woe to you Pharisees!

    Looking forward to chatting more with you.


  • Gopher

    I think you're helping, yes.

    Welcome to the board. For what it's worth I was raised in the JW organization as well, and my sister DA'd herself with some very good reasons many years ago. I too was instructed to shun her. I was "off and on" about it, I couldn't stay totally away, but I would sometimes let months or years pass before talking with her when I wanted her perspective. When I finally left the organization, she took me back as a close friend and sister without reservation, and so did her husband and her husband's family. These so-called "worldly" people treated me so kindly when they really didn't have to!

    So I hope you and your brother can really draw close. Based on your family situation, you may really need each other.

    Again welcome here and I hope you will share your views here on various topics.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This is outstanding advice. Along with the above, I would like to add that the best revenge is a life that is lived well. Make a difference with your life by having the courage to love yourself, love others and love your Higher Power . Then you would be helping .

  • JamesThomas
  • be wise
    be wise

    I'd like to say thankyou for all the above, you've really made a big difference to me. Thanks again.

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