Feb. 8, 2003 Awake - Is There an Unforgivable Sin?

by Southland 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Southland

    Another anti-apostacy article. Speaks for itself. (Updated with better scanned images)

    Edited by - southland on 20 January 2003 20:51:48

  • Xander

    Huh, they're doing crossword puzzles again. Fascinating.

    Oh, wait, was there something else in that article?

  • Farkel

    What a pile of rubbish. They said the religious leaders of his day committed the unforgivable sin and had Jesus killed. Hell, they were doing "God's Will(tm)!" Anyone who had Jesus killed was doing God's Will. It was "God's Will(tm)" that Jesus be sacrificed, and the pharisees obliged God. They should have received a medal instead of everlasting death. SOMEONE HAD to kill Jesus, to give mankind salvation, but the someone who did it was screwed and helped save all of mankind was screwed for the effort and good deed.

    Had they not killed Jesus, they would have not fulfilled prophecy and would be going against "God's Will(tm)" and made God look like a fool. Now that SHOULD have been an unforgivable sin: making God look like a fool. Oh, well, the Watchtower God already looks like a fool, if their teachings are to be believed.

    So you see, the pharisees were screwed either way. But then again, the same is true in Watchtower land. If you spend your life wearing yourself out working for them, you end up dead and miserable. If you leave them to pursue a normal life, they will go out of your way to wreck it.


    Edited by - Farkel on 20 January 2003 19:8:9

  • Gopher

    They blabber:

    Some people who were once faithful Christians have purposely drawn away from God, perhaps because of bitterness, pride or greed, and are now apostate fighters against God's spirit. They willfully oppose what the spirit is clearly accomplishing.
    Really now! Again they use the formula GOD = THEIR ORGANIZATION.

    Some have purposely drawn away? OH YEAH? What about people who were kicked out because of human weakness, or those whose judicial cases were perverted by bias? What about individuals who drew away because of unchristian attitudes in the congregation and its leadership? Or because of the numerous scandals that continue down to our day, including the UN involvement, false prophecy, investing in military operations (RandCam corporation) while proclaiming participation in war to be a mortal sin, and not least of all the horrible pedophile scandal that has bled through in many places and continues to be hushed by the WT Society?

    They oppose what the spirit is clearly accomplishing. Really now?? Can anyone please state what the spirit is accomplishing through the Watchtower organization these days? A good tree cannot produce bad fruitage, and yet as stated in the previous paragraph, the JW movement has yielded a plethora of bad fruits that simply cannot be ignored by anyone who has a brain or a heart.

    If they're talking about the "increase" accomplished by God's spirit, other religious organizations too have equal or larger increases. Are those also accomplished by God's spirit?

    If they're talking about "truth" taught by God's spirit, how come their doctrines are a moving target? For example why has the meaning of "this generation" as taught by Jesus changed since 1995? Why did JW's preach an untruth about that term prior to 1995? Didn't God tell them what the real deal was before 1995? Or is this just an organization of man-made ideas who make things up as they go?

    What does the evidence show?

  • Pistoff

    This short article has it all: poor analogies(comparing blashpemy against the holy spirit to premeditated murder; is there not, by Jesus' own words, only ONE sin as serious as blasphemy against the holy spirit?) tricky language (Paul was evidently referring to) and the schizophrenic reasoning techniques: comparing apostate thinkers to blasphemers against holy spirit, and then saying Jehovah is the judge, let's not judge others but be only concerned with ourself.

    So all in one short article, those who question the "spirit directed organization" are compared with blasphemers, murderers and apostates, BUT let us not judge anyone, just be careful ourself.

    I can't believe that for so long I was subject to this manipulation; now that I can see the loaded language, it just makes me so mad.

    I also just love the idea they plant that anyone who leaves the org, has "purposefully drawn away from God." I wonder how many here feel that they walked away from God when they left the org!

    I know that I left, in mind anyway, a long time ago because my subconscious figured out that what I was trying to stick to was making me crazy and depressed. I now feel closer than ever to God, and happy to be free of the mind control of the org.

    Does that make me an apostate fighter against God? lol

  • SheilaM

    You know what an unforgivable sin is deceiving people, allowing children to be abused and doing nothing that is unforgivable wouldn't you say

  • rebel

    Gopher said "What about people who were kicked out because of human weakness, or those whose judicial cases were perverted by bias?"

    I am only just starting to realise what a problem this really is. For yeras, I stupidly thought that there were strict, scriptural rules regarding disfellowshipping. It is such a cruel and harsh punishment for someone to be cut off from family and friends. However, I have now found out that it is usually done according to the pet hates of a particualar elder or set of elders. What is classed as a disfellowshipping offence in one congregation goes unchecked in another. The hypocrisy makes me sick to the stomach. These presumptuous men are playing about with people's lives and emotions, and they have the brass neck to say they are doing God's will and it is for our own good - how depressing!


  • LyinEyes

    The article said:
    "To sin against the Holy Spirit is to oppose it willingly"

    So does that mean if we just oppose the Watchtower willingly,,,,,,,, that is not the same as sinning agaisnt the Holy Spirt?

    So they more or less say if you have hardened your heart out of pride , bitterness or whatever against the Watchtower, we are also sinning (unforgivablly I might add) agaisnt the Holy Spirit.

    Now does the Holy Spirit live at the Watchtower? Or is the Holy Spirit a Person, or part of a trinity ?

    Can I blashphomy as Paul did and claim ignorance later?

    Or I wonder if on judgement day,,,,,,,if I can tell God, that I was just trying to be like his his Son, who despised the religous leaders of his day, his very own religion, that he practiced as a child. I can tell God that I too despise the religous leaders of my day........the WT..... for their evil lying ways. I am glad it will be Jesus to judge my heart and not these modern day Pharisees.

  • Mackin
    So does that mean if we just oppose the Watchtower willingly,,,,,,,, that is not the same as sinning agaisnt the Holy Spirt?

    Nope...sorry, you (and the rest of us here) are toast.

    You see since the Watchtower society is God's holy organisation, then willingly opposing the Watchtower Society is the same as willingly opposing God's Holy Spirit.

    But since God is a figment of human imagination (I don't mean to offend those who choose to believe in God still) and the Watchtower Society is a thoroughly corrupt human organisation, you don't have to worry too much.

    But as for me, if I haven't already committed the unforgivable sin, then I probably just did in this post


    Mackin (of the "tasty bird food" class)

  • LyinEyes

    LOL Mackin,,,,,,,, I thought the same thing......... if I havent committed the unforgivable sin YET,,,,,,, I probably just did in this post ,,,,,,,also.........

    Well,,,,,,,,, hell,,,,,,,,,,, I am going with the Paul story,,,,,,,,,, I claim ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am ignorant and confused,,,,,,,, Who is God, is his name Jehovah, did he really inspire the Bible to be written.

    Here is some thoughts to God:

    Forgive me God ........let me ask just one more ( ok a few) more questions,,,,,,( well Abraham got away with questioning the Almighty and he was considered God's friend).. here goes :

    Why should I believe the WT is your only organization here on earth? Why should I believe their interpretations of scriptures at all? Why have all of their time frame prophecies failed? Didn't you tell them to not count the days, or set dates? Since they are therefore liars, cheaters, money hungry, deceitful people shouldnt I seperate myself from them..... you know as they are in my book, BAD ASSOCIATONS? And God one more thing,,,,,,,,,,,, please forgive me if I have offended you, but I think you know in my heart ,,,,,,,, that I just don't know all the answers , but some I do. I admit I feel like I am the Prodical daughter and one day I will find my way back home to you,,,,, but it won't be back home to the Kingdom Hall or the WT.

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