Feb. 8, 2003 Awake - Is There an Unforgivable Sin?

by Southland 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well I dont meet the criteria of having sinned unforgivably (thanl goodness) . Im convinced they are a blasphemous cult so God will have to give me the accurate knowledge that it is the truth before He can condemn me. Im pretty sure Ive never knowingly partaken of the holy spirit either. The holy spirit's not something I believe Ive experienced at all, anytime actually. So Im safe. I certainly dont have "Malicious intent emanating from my heart" either. Thats something, in my experience, more the passtime of narrow minded judgemental "JW elder wannabes" wives .


    Edited by - refiners fire on 21 January 2003 5:57:30

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Hubby was waiting for that magazine because he told someone a long time ago he was no longer a JW . He also prayed to the devil to let him win the lottery!..Who in the world would think to do that?...

    Anyway..now that he has cancer..he is afraid that he commited the 'Unforgivable sin". He is asking his Mom and Sister about it without telling the the whole truth!..I pointed out to him it said "Practice" not just a one time thing!..

    But who am I....I know nothing!...Even tho I read it out of HIS magazine!..Maybe I will have his "JW brother read and discuss it with him next week..It must be terrible to feel that fear and have Cancer!...I feel so sorry for him..

    When I was reading the magazine and trying to explain it to him...I saw so much doubletalk I don't know how anyone could understand it!...

    One of the other books he has me read to him said.."Jehovah forgives and forgets your sins!"..Then on the very next paragraph..it says.."Jehovah never forgets your sins!"...Duh.....

    Do they confuse on purpose??


  • Swan

    Are there any hidden pictures of demons in those images? I can't tell. That's what started me doubting that it was God's channel of communication. So I guess I became an "apostate" because of their own literature. How ironic.


  • Farkel

    Lyin Eyes,

    : Here is some thoughts to God:

    : Forgive me God ........let me ask just one more ( ok a few) more questions

    IMNSHO, dont EVER ask forgiveness of the one that screwed you up in the first place. Did you ASK to be "born in sin" and misery? What did you do you wrong when you were born? Be born? Was that YOUR fault?

    If you think you need to plead for forgiveness to the very deity who set up to be messed up AT BIRTH, then please present your evidence. Did YOU ask to be born to inevitably break the laws of the One who made it impossible for you keep them?

    : ,,,,,,( well Abraham got away with questioning the Almighty and he was considered God's friend).. here goes :

    Ok, we'll do Abraham. God told Abraham to kill his son to please God. (Just like any normal human Father would do to any of his sons. This stuff happens every day in the human world. Fathers routinely kill their sons and roast them to please some deity. Right.)

    Abraham said, "Ok, I'll do it. You'll kill me if I don't do it, so I'll do it." (Gods like Jehovah take great pleasure in winning at any cost. Well, they hold all the cards, and they cheat.)

    Abraham raises up the knife to kill Isaac and Jehovah says, "time out! You really WOULD kill your own kid for me, huh?"

    Abraham says, "Yeah. You'd kill ME if I didn't kill HIM. It's a JUNGLE in your world, Jehovah."

    God says, "I will bless your seed."

    Abraham says, "You mean my sperm? You'll bless my sperm?"

    God says, "That won't play well over the generations. From now on "seed" means, your kids and their kids.

    Abraham says, but I know that a guy named Onan will spill his "seed" on the ground so as to not get his sister-in-law pregnant, so what do you mean by "seed," God?

    God: I will kill you if you bring up stuff like this.

    Abraham. Ok, God. I understand. Mum's the word about that "seed" part. "Seed" means children and such.

    God: yep.

    Abraham: I"m just about a hundred million years old now, God. I don't think I have any sperm left, and if I do, they are all rancid. Can you help me out here?

    God: yep. I'll get you some new sperm tomorrow.

    Abraham: Thanks, God. Can you get me a younger bitch? Sarah, is really a hag. She lost all the air out of her boobs hundreds of years ago. They look like those wallets they sell in Tijuana: long and flat. Not an ounce of air in either of them.

    God: don't mess with me, Abraham. You got an old bitch, you get old boobs. That's the way it works. I'm a LOVING God, but I'm also a prankster. Keep the bitch. I'll get you the sperm. I have a plan.

    Abraham: Ok, God. You'd kill me if I tried to debate this subject with you and exercise my freedom of speech to express myself, right?

    God: Yep. In New York Minute.

    Abraham: I'm so grateful I had such a tolerant God who stopped me from killing Isaac after ordering me to kill Isaac, and when I tried to kill Isaac, you stopped me from killing Isaac as you ordered me to do so in the first place. THANK YOU, God.

    God: Yep. I'm an unchanging God, and don't you ever forget it.

    Abraham: Or?

    God: Or I'll KILL you and your little dog Toto, too!

    Bible drama and idiocy. Ain't it great?

    I wrote an essay on the Abraham/Isaac wannabe massacre and I still might be able to find a copy of it if anyone is interested. It is an exercise in yet another example of Biblio-Idiocy and Bible-God's hypocricy and duplicity. Bible-God is SOOOOO much like the Roman and Greek and Egyptian Gods, it is scary to think about it.


    Edited by - Farkel on 23 January 2003 2:31:0

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