Would you post as much if...

by Jourles 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    I agree with Lilacs.

    I'd still post the same. I go in spurts. Some days I post many times, other days I just sit back and read.

    I post when I feel like saying something. Otherwise, I don't. I am in no hurry to get to the next level since I will probably get there sooner or later anyway.


  • Solace

    I slightly agree Jourles.

    In a way, I wish posters only had the date of their first post listed so everyone could know how long they have been here. The #s are ok but slightly embarrassing because everyone is made fully aware of how much I like gab.

    To be completely honest though, the status thing weirds me out a little.

    I dont really like it, but who am I to say.

  • SheilaM


    I attibute my many posts to always having an opinion and the desire to help and cheer people up. Yes, I was happy to make Master Member but once school starts and my gardening season my post will be sporadic Will I want to be here and get the support yes, but I need to graduate before I turn 50 ya know!

    As far as the fluff it cheers me up and makes me laugh so fluff away, I have cried enough tears to last a lifetime

  • VeniceIT

    Naaa I post when I feel like it, and ever since Slip beat me to Jedi it's taken all the joy out of that for me


    PS I think Jourles is only saying that 'cause he only has less then 400 posts in 2 years

    *runs like hell*

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You may have point here but myself I only post if I have a something to say or otherwise I just read.

    Hey look everyone I am up to 700 posts now!!!



    SheilaM wrote:

    As far as the fluff it cheers me up and makes me laugh so fluff away, I have cried enough tears to last a lifetime

    That makes two of us. Love to read the funny stuff. Love to know I am spending time with people like meeee. This is a place where I will heal from the jw crap that has kept me stuck until 1999.


  • Jourles
    PS I think Jourles is only saying that 'cause he only has less then 400 posts in 2 years

    Actually Ven, I probably have been more consistent in just reading this board more than posting. I may miss a day out of the week in not reading the board, and that has been the same routine for me in the past, oh, almost 3 years now. And that is just on this board, not even counting back to H2O's time. I can only imagine how many posts I would have by now if I was to add, say, 3 posts a day? That is really not hard to accomplish. How about 20 per day!?! Jeezus, let's see - 365 days x 20 posts = 7300 posts a year. God, someone could surpass Larc in no time flat!

    I really enjoy reading more than posting. So the amount of posts made by myself personally, I could care less. I only brought this topic up because I see every so often a big hoopla on how long it took so-and-so to reach 1K, 2K, or whatever. It just reminded me of how some in the kingdom halls would brag about how many hours they got in for the month, and it seemed to almost parallel the status gained here by the amount of posts you make. Newer ones are typically dealt with more severely here than long time or mass posters. Kind of like how a publisher who only gets in his 1-2 hours a month. He is usually treated like dirt compared to the 60+ hour pioneers.

  • larc


    I am glad I got to meet you in person. I like you and I do think you raise a valid question, why do people post with frequency? I do it because I am retired and have time on my hands, which I choose to use being here and hopefully helping others. I do not feel that I am in any contest for the number of posts. At present, I do have the most posts, but tomorrow, I might decide to stop posting for six months.

  • Brummie
    It just reminded me of how some in the kingdom halls would brag about how many hours they got in for the month

    That is shooooo shtupid! I didnt even recognise that as bragging in the KH until one DC where it was announced how many hours we had all worked for a particular year, I was a regular pioneer too but never once thought it as bragging about hours.

    You could have a point about "some" people though, but perhaps its just the art of conversation, people share things and people respond. A "Discussion" board breeds discussion...right? Those with the 1k 2k are certainly the most entertaining and keep things alive.

    Its good to be able to talk in a circle where people understand, we spend most of our days talking to people who have never had the JW expereince. I have cut down a load in posting simply due to other things needing attention but then I'll post as much as I like without a care as to what anyone else thinks.

    Brummie (writing a cheque to Onacruse)

  • IronGland

    Haven't you heard? At some future date when Simon closes this site, he or she with the highest post count gets a coffee maker. It's difficult to post everyday, but hey, new coffee maker.

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