Would you post as much if...

by Jourles 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    ...the number of posts next to your name was not there? Or what if the date from the time you signed up was missing?

    Do you think that some here crave the attention that they receive just by the amount of posts that they create? Do you think that some post in massive amounts only to gain the "status symbol" of Jedi, Emperor, or Supreme One? An analogy could be one who is a pioneer and brags to everyone in their hall about how many hours they put in out in field service.

    I know there are some who truly want to help others on this forum. And there are others who merely post fluff the majority of the time. I am not saying that fluff is bad. It usually helps break up the seriousness and tension which often elevates quickly here. I feel that there are a few people that probably would not post as much if the post number went away. I sort of look at it in the same way as how the org dangles the golden carrot(paradise) in front of the rank and file. The more time you spend attending the meetings, going out in field service, assemblies, etc., etc., the closer you are to getting into Paradise's Door. Since the majority here do not attend meetings anymore, some may make up for that lost(or gained) time in their lives by actively posting. Maybe even putting more time in on this board than we ever did studying and preparing for the meetings only to gain that prized status title.

    I admit, there are quite a few Jedi, Emperors, and Supreme Ones that I admire greatly. They create and reply to topics that are hard-hitting and to the point. They may post excessively, but I never tire of reading their thoughts put into words. This post was not meant as a slam to ANYONE, but to only see if anyone else feels the same way.

    Jourles, waiting for a few slanted comments

  • NameWithheld

    I only replied to you to bump up my posting count

  • outnfree

    Well, let me be the FIRST to SLAM you, Jourles, for thinking that I spend all my time here in search of some kind of STATUS, for God's sake!!!!!!

    (What comes after Emperor?) BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!


  • WildHorses

    I'd still post the same. I go in spurts. Some days I post many times, other days I just sit back and read.

  • JH

    Master Jourles,

    The numbers and titles are just for fun as you might know. Don't make a problem over this. Life is too short.

  • outnfree

    Damnit, Name! You beat me to it!

    BTW, Jourles -- GET BACK TO WORK!!!! LOLOLOL

    Seriously, when I read the board, I pay little attention to the titles and dates, except when the poster's name is unfamiliar to me and what they post is either very good or very bad (IMNSHO). As for why I post so much ... I need a life, obviously.

    When's lunch?

  • onacruse

    hehe, well I have to admit that I may have looked at the stats once or twice (but no 2 witnesses ). And I have been challenged to a posting race by a certain member here (whom I shall identify tomorrow if I don't get his donation ).

    You bring up a good point, Jourles. Personally, I wouldn't mind at all if total number of posts was not displayed, or if the "status" went away. I'd continue to post the same drivel and fluff anyway! LOL

    otoh, it's sort of a natural desire to be recognized for the thought, time, energy and courage it takes to post here. That's why I regularly congratulate those who reach a new "level."


  • meadow77

    I think some do think it's neat to attain different levels. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We can't be serious all the time, I think giving it too much thought is overrated. Some people spend alot of time here, and they get excited when they feel acknowledged for that. It doesn't make anybody feel better than anyone else I don't think, except for I have noticed a little prejudice against newbies. But I think that may be born out of cautiousness too. Either way, I think it's harmless fun.

  • Jourles

    And here I was contemplating whether to post this topic or not. I had actually wrote this about two weeks ago and just saved it thinking if it would be wise to put it in print. Again, it is in no way to slam people who are K+ posters. I tried to emphasize that!!

    Brenda, you should know that I admire you as being one of the best people here. You were never on my mind when writing this.

  • no one
    no one

    Yep! I figure that at the posting-frenzied pace I'm currently on, I'll make 'Supreme One' near the end of the Millenium.

    Guess I should get started:

    lol @ Fark, lol @ larc, LMAO, LMFAO, ROTFLAMO.......ROTFLMFAOPIMPOITISM--that would be rolling on the floor laughing my f***ing a** off pi**ing in my pants oops I think I sh*t myself.

    Dammit. Should have made these separate posts. I'll never make it to 'Master'

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