How Much Longer Can The WBTS Survive?

by SpannerintheWorks 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    They'll be around for a long while yet.......there's been wackier religions than ours that have survived hundreds or even a thousand years or more (Islam's been around for about 1300 years and you can't get a screwier religion than that!)........

    There's too many 'yes' men and women within the Borg who are quite content the way things are and don't like to have their perfect little world disturbed. Even with the whole pedophile thing; I'm sure many Witnesses at first were horrified and their faith shaken, but as soon as the word came down from the Tasteless & Indiscreet Goat Class, that it was all lies, lies, and more lies from apostates, the media and Satan himself, then they could all breath a sigh of relief and go back to living in their dream world.

    As long as there's people who let others do their thinking for them, this religion will continue on.

  • DevonMcBride

    Here is my two-cents worth.

    How fast the WT falls if ever, will depend on many factors. If no other big scandal breaks out, they will hang on longer. If something big happens to bring negative public attention to them, it could speed it up. Their future depends on their actions. Hitting them in the pocket also will help them tumble. One major lawsuit against them could rock things up a bit. The bottom line is money. Even if a percentage of devout JW's never defect, without the finances the organization won't stand forever.

  • Yadirf

    Something you might want to think about:

    Acts 5:38, 39 - If this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.

    See also: Ac 5:34

    More information:
    w01 6/1 21 par.13,14a


    Edited by - Yadirf on 23 December 2002 16:7:35

  • Nickey

    Like the Catholic church? Or the many other churches still going strong after thousands of years?

  • Yadirf
    Acts 5:38, 39 - If this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.

    Nickey replied,

    Like the Catholic church? Or the many other churches still going strong after thousands of years?

    Do you know of any case in which there have been those who have tried to overthrow the Catholic church? Too, the Catholic church enjoys the favor of hordes of people, and those who do not look well upon her don't oppose her anyway. That's not the same as what the WTS faces. The WTS is a very unpopular religion (its neutral stand, for one reason) that has many that would do away with it if it were in their power to do so.

    Apples and oranges, get it?


  • Nickey

    Why yes Yadirf. Actually I do... and just like you've said, they have survived off hordes of people. Just as the WTBS has. Every religion goes through stages of being "unpopular". Only through years and years do their numbers and popularity grows.... hordes of people. It's the whole point of this forum.

    Apples and oranges? Well, I like pears.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    yadirf; as i see you have not did your homework on the catholic chruch did not england throw out the catholic church some 400 years ago and start their own church....duh and all kinds of offshoots of ther catholic church now today. and i like your verse from acts... so with that reasoning the catholic must be from god as it is still here. with more catholics in new york than the wt has in the whole world... you want to talk some more how the wt today lies about their history. i got your number!!!!

  • Gopher

    Something to think about:

    Acts 5:38, 39 - If this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.

    The JW religion is just as much man-made (artificial) as any other religion, and you can take that to the bank!

  • RandomTask

    What about Martin Luther and the Reformation? Or the crusades?

    Really now the witnesses are so NOT persecuted these days its hilarious to see witnesses try to put on persecution wherever they can find it. There are plenty more persecuted religions and look at how the Mormons are growing at a faster rate than the witnesses are. "God's organization" sure doesn't seem to have his backing, or maybe its just another man made religion.

  • metatron

    A good point about the internet/'apostate' movement, Friday

    The half senile old men at the Watchtower can't stop the rot. They can't shut down
    the internet. They made a mess of the child molestation issue. Contributions are
    slipping thru their fingers. Young Witnesses are fleeing the organization.

    It's God's will. They are failing - and their opposition gets stronger, day by day.


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