How Much Longer Can The WBTS Survive?

by SpannerintheWorks 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    A 2000-year-old-plus religion cannot survive for much longer!

    Look at us! We are questioning the WBTS every day!

    The WEB is a great way of EXPOSING the WBTS, and we are doing it daily!

    How much longer can the WBTS survive?


    Edited by - SpannerintheWorks on 23 December 2002 14:44:34

  • kelsey007

    OUt of billions of people alive today on the face of the earth these site may be viewed by a few thousand. Out of millions of JWs on earth the percentage is very small I am sure in those ranks. Living here, on these ex jw boards , daily reading the comments of a few hundred at best it may seem to us that the impact is great.

    The reality is not so dramatic IMHO-

  • SpannerintheWorks


    I feel that this is an excellent medium within which to convey JW opinions...

    I'm sure others think the same, what?...


  • RandomTask

    To the witness who wants out, there are plenty of resources available to them. Its all up to the person though.

  • kelsey007

    Spanner I agree wholeheartedly or I would not be here! As great an impact as it has been I just do not believe that the WTBTS is anywhere near "falling" due to this.

    You did ask how much longer could the WT stand.

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 23 December 2002 15:3:19

  • LongHauler

    They will likely survive for many decades to come. Even as thier self made prophecy concerning 1914 becomes less and less believable every day, most will accept whatever new light spews from the GB. Even the teachings about the "faithfull and discreet slave being annointed will likely be changed as the run out of so-called annointed ones to replace the old farts running it now. As Ray Franz has said before the "Society" has a great ability to metamorphose itself time and time again. Lets face facts, how many of the younger people in the "Truth" know about thier real history? How many have simply accepted the "Societies" doctored history and went on? How many of them would acutually believe any thing posted on this web site or any other? As long as thier minds are fully locked into the cult and thier mind control they will continue to renew this tired old religion and transform it into its next incarnation. Charles Russell once said "Religion is a snare and a racket". God, if he only knew how true those words really are.

  • metatron

    As long as ignorance and fear can be exploited, the WTBTS will exist.

    The question I keep coming back to is, how do they survive without a scheme of
    coherent doctrine? No one seems to be in charge of Witness 'theology'. Nor do I see
    how their teachings can be rescued or updated to conform with reality - without
    blurring their identity - and obscuring their survival.

    While you can likely go on indefinitely in local congregations because of Witness
    ignorance and willing suspension of reason, I'm not so sure you can do this with the
    leadership. Communism fell largely because the nomenklatura ( the upper class of
    bureaucrats and commissars) lost faith in the system. I don't see that the Watchtower
    is much different.

    This means that:

    in relative terms, average Witnesses must deepen their ignorance and isolation
    ("dumber and crazier") - and -

    discerning, idealistic leaders must be driven out - or suffer endless frustration
    with a rule bound reign of Pharisees - and-

    be replaced with men who are either unthinking (mostly ineffective) or cold-
    hearted cynics, purely out for themselves.

    I judge that these tendencies are already well developed - and that they will deepen
    and intensify.

    Add on the declining contributions and exodus of Witness youth, and things look
    pretty sad.

    What would it be like if an organization could become senescent and senile?

    Stick around and find out.


  • gumby

    A 2000-year-old-plus religion cannot survive for much longer!

    What is 2000 years old? I don't think you mean the you?

    Actually Judism has been around longer than that and still going.The story of Moses was a myth that happened 3500 years ago and people still believe in him and the other stories in the Bible.

    There was a thread that talked of this a couple of days ago and a point was made about the borg. "dying within" which is proving very true. No more dates, or new light from any of the oracles to look forward too.....their dead.

    "Oh great spirits....bring back Freddie that we may live again!" !!!!

  • whyhideit

    There is a sucker born every minute. Meaning, do not hold your breath thinking they will go away soon.

  • kelsey007

    The never ending fullfullment of bible prophecy keeps the loyal ones going. Now before you beat me up over that allow me to explain- They do talk about the "great falling away" = diminishing numbers in the org to them only fullfills that- even if "NEW LIGHT" must be added.

    The dogma is intensely based on small numbers gaining life- though they strive to save all. They also harp on how god's people will be persacuted more and more as the "great tribulation" comes into full force.

    For the faithful JW all the things that they are seeing only re-enforces thier faith- regardless of what they accept as human failures of the direction of the GB.

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