The Ways Of A Weasel

by Yadirf 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lefty
    Ummmmmmmmm, is this an example of a good healthy debate on an important topic?

    Of course it's an "important topic," whether you want to think so or not. Outlaw concocted a lie about another poster here. You don't consider that "important"? Why, probably not you ... considering your screen name and all.

    Or is is a personal slam agaisnt someone, that should be taken up via email?

    Now that's brilliant. You idiot!

    This has been going on for days,,,,,,,,,, it is getting old,and I wonder how long it will be until it is locked?

    Well, if you don't like the atmosphere in this thread you surely haven't forgotten the way out. So, don't let the door hit you in your big fat ass on the way out ... okay? Now don't come back here claiming that you weren't disrespectful first.



  • hannibal


    -long time, no talk. J/k


    -I asked your ' wife' to control her husband, whats lewd about that? Clearly you have a need for attention, and this forum is the only place you feel you can get it ,by acting the way you do. Maybe it makes up for something thats lacking in you life, I dont know. What ever it is i hope you get it resolved sooner rather than latter, for your sake. Seee, if you take this energy that you've been using to draw attention to yourself ,on this forum, and used to accomplish something useful in your life, you would be much happier.

  • hannibal

    Its getting painfully obvious that you are trying to get kicked off this forum.The sooner the better i feel.


  • not interested
    not interested


    yeah long time no talk, so the bar closes and you appear,

    ill wip your damn aint nothing for me to whoop a man's ass

    i read the new york times and usa today, every day, ya know i dont listen to talk showes

    when there is 2 teams that want to win is unfortunate that only 1 team can win

    you can find me on the hi-road

    what if ....what if .....what if .......what if ....what if .....what if

  • not interested
    not interested

    it aint necessarily a eagle...its wings

    you know damn right!!!

    dont say like that

  • Lefty


    -I asked your ' wife' to control her husband, whats lewd about that?

    That you even requested such a thing from my wife was disrespectful towards her, and you should know better if you're above the age of 10. But you even went further than that, as seen below, you asked her to use the word "a..hole" in her message that you wished for her to convey to me. You had no reason for even bringing her up to begin with, since it was my signature that appeared at the end of all the posts under the "Lefty" account.


    Please tell your husband to stop being an a..hole and go away.

    Are you going to continue to be the mouse that you've proven thus far to be, or are you going to step up to the plate now and be a man?



  • hannibal

    Ahhhh.....NI, I love ya like a cousin, but dude, put the beer down slowly,

    back away from table, stumble over to the bed......

    -That was to funny.

  • Lefty
    Its getting painfully obvious that you are trying to get kicked off this forum.The sooner the better i feel.


    Are you going to kick me off this forum, Hannibal? Before I can be kicked off this forum there has to be a legitimate reason for such action. Can you identify any such legitimate reason?


    Peace? You don't want peace, if you did you wouldn't be so reluctant to acknowledge that you did a stupid thing. I don't accept your sort of "peace".



  • not interested
    not interested


    just how do you love a cousin, i mean, im prety sure you dont live in alabamam, so im just kind of curious,

    anyway i got your back

  • hannibal


    Do you put on a dress when you use 'leftys' signiture?

    - this is getting to funny,lefty,I meeeaaaan, you really are a hoot.;)

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