Third World War

by Crystal 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    After Suddam is removed, who will we have to blame all our problems as a nation on?

    Any leader, that the USA used to support, had better take notice. We helped make you, and when we are tired of you, we can take you out also.


    Edited 'cause I can't spell today.

    Edited by - robdar on 12 November 2002 14:47:46

  • els

    My son's Army Reserve unit has been notified that they will be called up if we do go to war. He hasn't finished his traing yet, he has to go to AIT next summer after he graduates, but if they are still there, he could be going. Right now I'm very glad he's color blind so he can't be in combat, he'll either be administation or engineering. War was never this personal to me before. els

  • Crazy151drinker

    Well they cant be that desperate for people because my stupid ass recruiter has yet to recieve my files so I can re-enlist. I wouldnt mind going at all.

  • Robdar


    It is a frightening time for all American mothers, for Iraqi mothers, and all our allies' mothers too.



  • out4good3
    They will stand quietly aside as he is removed and a new democratic Arab leader is put in his place.

    I would suggest that we not be deluded to thinking that all those Middle Eastern dictators, Kings, and religious zealots are clamouring for or are willing to allow an Islamic Democracy in that corner of the world. While I agree that they are content to sit back and watch the US and the UN take out there most mortal enemy, I believe if a democracy is set-up in Iraq, it will quickly be branded as a puppet government answerable only to the US.

  • proplog2

    I gladly go out on a limb on this one.

    I stick by my intuition that in accordance with Daniels prophecy the King of the North (RUSSIA) is the REAL foe of the King of the South (USA)

    It is no secret that the USA has no enemy that it can't beat. Fighting Russia with its huge arsenal of nuclear weapons STILL targeted at the US is unthinkable. But it is no secret that tue USA can beat all other potential enemies. The real problem is the American Arrogance. The US is like a neighborhood bully walking down dark alleys daring anyone to try something.

    Russia cannot afford to have Iraq pumping oil into the world market unless they get a large share of the profits. Their whole economy and hope for progress is tied to expensive oil. If the USA defeats Iraq it will drop the price of oil down to 1998 prices of around $12 per barrel.

    Russia has an opportunity to derail this process by exploding a nuclear weapon in New York and perhaps other key world economic centers. They can do this without any blow-back because the blame will go to terrorists. The USA will not have the will to spend 100 billion dollars occupying Iraq when New York City is just a smouldering pile of concrete and steel.

    Putin deceptively keeps playing the terrorist card to establish a relationship with the west. Just yesterday he warned the world that the West was in mortal danger of a nuclear attack from terrorists. He ought to know - he probably has his operatives ready for detonation on command.

    That will be the start of the Great Tribulation. It will be 9-11 times 1,000. I made a prediction that this horrible event would likely take place just before Christmas. We shall see. I have never put my neck out and made a prediction like this. I have very strong intuitions about this time frame. Most likely December 20th.

    (NOTE TO CIA ETC: If this happens. I don't know nuttin. I'm just a crazy & harmless JW that has been raised speculating about calamity.)

  • out4good3

    Oh...Well....since you put it that way I guess I'd better sell everything I own, run up all my credit, and hurry on back to a kingdom hall then. Everyone knows that I'd love nothing better than to serve out the rest of my time in this "ole system of things" delivering the WT "good news of the kingdom".

    (heavy sarcasm there......)

    Edited by - out4good3 on 12 November 2002 15:41:39

  • freedom96

    This war will not take too long. I agree with a previous post that it will be very similar to the Gulf War. That really was not too much of a challenge.

    The difference this time, is that there is a bigger need and desire to actually get rid of Saddam. The US even 10 years later has better weapons than before.

    One thing different though, is Israel has said it will fight back this time if attacked.

  • Francois

    You're right about one thing proplog, you don't know nuthin' and I don't expect that to change. Nor do I expect your prediliction for irrelevancy to subside, though one might be inclined to pray for it.

  • roybatty
    but deep down they know that the removal of Sadam is needed. They will stand quietly aside as he is removed and a new democratic Arab leader is put in his place.

    This is the LAST thing Arab countries in the region want. Do you think Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, etc. wants their people to see a flurishing, democratic Arab country? Hell no! This would give the people of their own land something to think about, a possible way to make their lives better.

    Nope, the Saudies esp. do not want a democratic Arab country. That's why they were so reluctant to back the US. They only did so 10 years ago when their necks were on the chopping block.

    Personally, I'd like to see Iraq tranformed just as post-WWII Japan was. One can only hope.

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