Dr Monica Applewhite!

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  • LoveUniHateExams

    I love it! Dr Applewhite, hired by the WTS, effectively admitted that WTS procedure for dealing with child abuse is flawed, thanks to some calm, reasonable questions put to her by Justice McClelland.

    Dr Applewhite, an expert? If this is the best the WTS can do then they're in serious trouble.

    Yay, roll on Monday morning!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What hypocrites the WT's Governing Body are! They tell the rank and file to always be ready and willing as 1 Peter 3:15 says to "defend your faith and be eager to make a reply to those who question you". Yet the GB do the opposite! They send an unprepared, non-believer and a woman at that to fight their battle.

    I'm ashamed to be affiliated with this organization to say the least!

  • GodZoo
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "When asked if she had ever given negative feedback about or to the JW Org, her answer was "I've not been hired to do that""

    She should have come to this site to earn her money's worth.

  • StrongHaiku

    I believe the US Supreme Court ruled a few years ago to remove immunity for "expert witnesses" against civil lawsuits. Don't know if this applies in this particular case and country, etc. However, if the GB felt she had hurt their case and had misrepresented herself (e.g. malpractice), there are US legal precedents to bring a lawsuit to recover costs and damages. Not saying they can or they will. But there are legal precedents of successful lawsuits against "expert witnesses" for malpractice.

    At the same time, the main reason she is doing so badly is that she is defending and indefensible position. It does not matter how moral, educated, prepared, etc. you are. If you are defending the indefensible you look immoral, absurd, and clumsy.

  • OrphanCrow

    (copying from another thread)

    This is important. Applewhite is not credible.

    Monica Applewhite has a reputation for giving false testimony under oath.


    In 2011, Dr. Applewhite was sued by the St. Augustine High School in New Orleans for defamation. Applewhite had given false testimony that some of the students had required medical care after receiving corporal punishment. Her testimony was proven to be wrong.


    Not only that, Applewhite had claimed that she had received reports of abuse but she did nothing about it. She did not report the alleged abuse in spite of being a mandatory reporter herself.

  • Magwitch
    Has the society used this Dr. Monica before?
  • Vidiot

    AudeSapere - "I think the WT is *so* accustomed to 'defending and legally establishing' itself and taking every public opportunity to brag and boast about how much better and faster and blessed they are than everyone else, that it was completely blinded to the clearly stated aim of these hearings."


  • LoveUniHateExams

    Has the society used this Dr. Monica before?

    I believe it has - three times in the US and once in the UK.

  • OrphanCrow
    Has the society used this Dr. Monica before?

    She was the WTS' expert in the Conti proceedings. She gave testimony that the WTS' policies were acceptable and the WTS was not accountable.



    Monica Applewhite, a clinical social worker and an expert on child sexual abuse, testified for defendants that Watchtower's policy against "disclosing private information . . . very closely mirror[ed]" the codes of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers and the American Counseling Association. Based on her review of the evidence, Applewhite opined that the Congregation never put Kendrick "into a position that required or allowed him to be alone with children, to be in supervision of children, [or] to spend time with children away from their families." Because the church's activities did not separate children from their parents, Appelwhite opined that its best means of protecting children was to educate parents about child sexual abuse, and it exceeded the standard of care for such education in the 1990's. According to Applewhite, the elders met the standard of care in Kendrick's case when they left it up to Evelyn and her daughter whether to tell the police about the abuse he admitted, and "they kept a special watch on him and paid attention to whether or not he had any inappropriate contact with children within the meetings at Kingdom Hall."

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