sacred origins of profound things (Genius only)

by kelsey007 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai


  • Robdar

    The meaning of life is the meaning that you give to it.

  • Vivamus

    42 might be the answer. But what's the question, eh?

  • Gopher

    I'm turning 42 next month. Will I know "the answers" then??

  • Vivamus

    If 42 is the answer, and I am of the age 24, what would that mean?..

    I seem to remember we had this conversation before tho.

  • SYN

    Nice to see so many Douglas Adams fans here

  • Brummie

    time? What you were suppose to turn in each month.

    space? the distance between david letterman or lauren huttons teeth, or what you were not suppose to save at assemblies.

    I this all real? no, it's a discussion board dummy

    Genius! Pure Genius...unfortunately those answers are not in the paragraph so I am going to have to redirect your attention back to the study article, and to avoid mass confusion can i politely ask you to raise your hand before answering? after all there are 3 of us in this study.

    Brummy (avoiding the questions, sounding like a regular JW and looking in the reasoning book for the real answers and getting more confused)

  • Undecided

    1. Sombody got screwed.

    2.9:28 AM


    4.Just a bunch of electrical and chemical actions in the brain.

    Ken P.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ


    We'll know the question as soon as this stupid computer starts working right again. All this highway construction doesn't help anything though. Its just too bad we didn't get around to checking the notice saying it was going to be done.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Seriously though, who said life came with some big predefined meaning? Who said it had to? To me, such a notion is just a way religions try to hook people into believing their dogma. Its like asking someone what TV has a certain feature just so you can sell them one of those TV that they don't need. Life's meaning is whatever you want it to be. If you live life so you can play Nintendo that's just as valuable as living life to praise dad and I. In fact, Nintendo is more rewarding than a life of holiness because at least you get to see something for your work.

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