
by SPAZnik 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    Jesika....I'm wit u!

    Six....did you just ask me whether or not i'm freakin' minimus!? that's quite a personal question, no!? i don't see what my freakin' has to do wit the topic at hand!
    (yeah, yer right, i'm not feelin', like, me-self 2day)

    shera....heehee...u said poopoo!

    freedom96....credibility. got it.

    willdabeerman...many good commentz there!


    dsgal...yeah, my thoughts 'xactly. re sex rituals....only you... slavery iz a bizness? do it pay good?

    A Paduan....sometimes I follow you.....other times, i must confess (<force of habit), you make me reeeally dizzy.

    kelpie....good call!

    caligirl....right. can't turn a lie to truth.

    BlueBlades...."policy that quietly continues to kill needlessly"...yeah.

    francois...."NEVER, EVER follow any leading but that which comes from the small, still voice within." (precisely the reminder i needed...thank you!) *sigh* As for whether I'm nutz...that's debatable fer sure! (not to worry small, still voice within says "RUN LIKE HELL!")

    SPAZ (of the "slooooooow-learner-very-well-mighta-been-dropped-on-head" klass)

  • dawn21040

    You will have to forgive me, I am totally new at this, been raised J.W. have had Alot of bad things happen, but I do believe it is the truth and I am in Hell! How does one live in this world and watch the news and not know this is the truth/

  • dawn21040

    My mother will not talk to me, she has decided that I am and my sisters are not worthy

  • dawn21040

    Is there any place I can acutually talk to someone who understands? if so let me know.

  • dawn21040

    I am sorry,, I am not that hard,, Yet,, I still believe,,, LOOK at the news,,Has anyone ever been in front of the elders for masterbastion?

  • dawn21040

    I am only asking because that is what ultimately ended our 22 year long marraige and the elders had NO clue as to how to help or even if it was reproval. It was a weird thing. My husband was removed as a mis. ser. and I was humilitied,,and I have still never gotten any answers

  • AGuest

    Dearest SPAZ... peace to you... and I would have to say that even if they "changed" their "ways", I would be better off following the counsel, "Do not put your trust in earthling man or in nobles... to whom NO salvation belongs." Since they would still BE "men"... well...

    And Dear Dawn... peace to you as well... and for someone like you... how you would KNOW is by KNOWING... the Truth. For there is only One (John 14:6)... and knowing HIM, and thus, knowing the Father by MEANS of him (John 14:9)... means everlasting life.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Iwasyoungonce

    Ok here is the new policy. No more bullshit.

    Now for the hardliners that like to hurt people, do the world a favor; PULL YOUR LOWER LIP OVER YOUR HEAD AND SWALLOW (Just kidding)

    Those are my conditions.

    But really SPAZnik as I once said "You can not polish a turd."

    How can you take back all the people that have died because of this bullfarce? How can you take back all the families that have been with devil intent divided and distroyed? That time is gone. Those lives are gone. I'm sorry just makes it OK? I'll resubmit now? Bygones? NO.

    You play devils advocate before any change has happened at all. I don't see that as a what if pipe dream. I see it as mean. My wifes Grandmother played this game and I put her strait. "These people have no intent of changing. They have made it clear as crystal that they would prefer KILL their daughter if only they would not loose the "protection" that ceasar gives them (they call not being allowed to kill my wife persecution of their religion in 1992) people like that don't change. They have murder in their heart. That does not change. If it did they would not be the same people. Then we might talk."

  • dawn21040

    I don't know why, but the word is Masterbation,, is there anyone who has dealt with this,, and the elders,,I am not talking about the normal stuff,,, I am talking about the stuff that ruins ones marraige!! The elders had NO clue!!

  • dawn21040

    come on people,, give me some feed back, is it ok to masterbate or not,, and is it ok to to put that in place of your marraige and if not What do you do about IT?? There is nothing about that in the magazines,,dawn

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