Would You Like Milk with That Cookie?

by teenyuck 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    teeny, I don't remember how long I was breastfed. Probably, due to cultural considerations, it was not long enough.

    Look, I think 8 years is a bit over the top. Ok, probably more than just a bit. But, and all women should have this big but , I find it fascinating that this situation can arouse more passion and distaste in people, especially people who are women, than the fact that some mothers choose not to breastfeed, or only do so for 6 months or so (btw, I understand that there are rare times when breastfeeding is impossible, that is not what I'm talking about).

    Talk about eewww. When human nature is so perverted and sublimated that mothers don't even breastfeed, now that is something to inspire an "eeewww".

  • Princess

    I saw a woman on a talk show that breast fed her two and six year old. They showed her nursing both at the playground. It was weird.

    My son is six and I'm telling you, that is one big ewwwwwwww! My kids are totally grossed out by the idea that they were breast fed, I think it's pretty funny, they just can't believe they did that.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    The state claimed that breast-feeding a first-grader was "sexual molestation," but a family court judge disagreed. Nevertheless, the judge refused to return the boy to his mother.

    Oh, good grief! Sexual molestation? That statement sure tells the story of how deeply Americans have sexualized women's breasts.

    I would agree that the child would probably be much more traumatized by being removed from his family.

    Eight years old is a little old to still be breast feeding. Really, though, what harm is being done other than it's socially unacceptable? It is obviously a source of comfort for this child. It's not like she feeding him every two hours. I personally would not breast feed an 8 year old, but what harm is being done to this child?


  • dubla

    but what harm is being done to this child?

    im sure his psychiatrist will be able to tell you exactly what harm was done about 10-20 years from now.


  • SixofNine

    *rolls eyes @ dubla*

    grow a brain

  • dubla

    *rolls eyes back*

    its humor six, read up on it.


  • SixofNine

    I wrote the book, dubla

    *wipes leche from screen*

  • SixofNine

    this whole subject is a big let down
  • BeautifulGarbage

    Oh yeah, I'm sure there are thousands of cases of emotionally scarred adults as a result of being occasionally breast fed as an eight year old

    Gee, I wonder if it even has it's own syndrome?


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Ohhhh it's was a JOKE!

    That's very different! Never mind!

    I don't feel too bad though, Even 6o9 didn't get it and HE gets EVERYTHING!


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