A Mormon chimes in

by John Corrill 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • puzzled

    I have relitives that are Mormon (uncles and cousins) and friends that are Mormon and they do not agree with each other on everything. Sometimes they sound like two entirely different religions.

    Also my Mormon side of the fam and my JW side of the fam DO NOT agree on very much of anything. At least they never get far enough in a conversation to find out if there is anything at all they might agree on. But aside from religion they get along just fine.

    Most people consider this strange but, oddly enough as it may seem, this is about the ONLY thing I don't find strange in Mormon beliefs:

    I heard that a Mormon belief is that some of the "lost tribes of Israel" were to be found among the Native Americans (formerly called "Indians") here in North America. The idea of some kind of Hebrew - Native American connection seemed a bit of a stretch to me.

    I see no reason to believe people in North America didn't have ancestors from other parts of the world. There is no proof that people just sprouted out of the ground where they stand.

    I do however think it's silly to think Jesus was here during another time after his death and visited North America.

    The weirdest thing I think is "Jesus came here in a spaceship"

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey John. Ive been over there to the Ex Momo Board a few times. One thinbg about that place, not much fighting over there. Theres debate, but nothing abusive like i saw here (and partook in, yes) Its a real nice board, and the Momos over there always were polite and friendly and interested in an alternate viewpoint. I recommend anyone here to go over there for a visit.

  • Xander

    There is no proof that people just sprouted out of the ground where they stand.

    Nobody is debating that the Native American were not really 'native' - but their genetic material suggests East Asian influence - not Semetic.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I have relitives that are Mormon (uncles and cousins) and friends that are Mormon and they do not agree with each other on everything. Sometimes they sound like two entirely different religions.

    That's like the Mormans I know....unlike JWs they ARE allowed to have opinions and express them.

    Its not the fact that they wear them that some find strange, its the fact that they wear them 24hours a day, 365 days a Year! (except when showering).

    First of all, they ALL don't do that (see note above). Secondly, even if they did, SO WHAT, they're UNDERWEAR (with religious significance)... Most people wear regular underwear 24/7 except when showering or swimming...big deal. I know some Baptists that wouldn't be caught dead without their cruxifix jewelry.

    I do however think it's silly to think Jesus was here during another time after his death and visited North America.

    I wonder about that too, however in the past I've posted an interesting paper from a college in Texas (nothing to do with the Mormans) that show Mayan or Aztec beliefs in a "Christ like" person. I'll have to try and find it and post it later.

    The weirdest thing I think is "Jesus came here in a spaceship"

    HELLOOOOOO, people....THIS is what I'm talking about....MISINFORMATION. The Mormans came on the scene in the early 1800's, long before ANYONE thought anything about space travel...this has never been their belief. Just in case, I called one of my morman friends.....he said that gave him the best laugh of the week.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 25 September 2002 11:55:44

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    They DO Disfellowship and SHUN

    Of course they disfellowship....almost EVERY Christian religion does. But NO....they do NOT shun....it is NOT policy. ( Talk about SHIT....) Shunning is left to the JWs or Amish.

    I have read some of the Book of Mormon and it is utter CRAP. Hand me the Koran or something please. HOw are you going to write a book claiming that there were Horses and Cows here in America before the Europeans came. It is utter non-sense. It is a CULT.
    I have read some of the Book of Mormon too. Doesn't do anything for me, but doesn't bother me. Some of the Bible seems to be utter CRAP, so that's no 'proof' argument. And you'd better stop with the 'no Horses in the new world before Cortez crap'....that's really old historical thinking. - new findings indicate that there WERE horses before the Spanish....they're just not certain how they got here (Behring Strait?...who knows).
  • butalbee
  • SusanHere

    I already wrote a reply to this posting, but it didn't show up, so either it's somehow tagged to another thread, or forever lost, or will show up later and I'll have a double posting. If so, sorry about that!

    This particular thread is really disheartening as I see the same old nonsense being perpetrated once again, the same rumors, the same trash talk based on misinformation and mistrust. You know, trashing someone is easy. Even a 3-year old can call someone a poo-poo head. It doesn't take great maturity, intellect, insight or wisdom to spread rumors or call names. Hopefully one outgrows that stage and develops a preference for seeking common ground, a tolerant attitude, and the kind of genuine mutual respect that can surpass obvious differences between people.

    To that end let me do my own chiming in here...

    Someone said God is represented as being blond. No, actually, he is represented in picture and in word description, as being white-haired. White. Not blond. Blonds are not considered more celestial. That's not doctrine. Never was. That some might like to THINK it is doctrine (no doubt because they themselves are blond) is their problem. They can't back it up with doctrine.

    And we don't believe in 7 heavens, but only 3 levels, same as in the Bible. We do baptisms for the dead not to "move dead relatives to a higher level" but to give them the opportunity to move themselves closer to God IF they choose to do so. The choice is always theirs. (We are very big on choice.)

    Also, women DO become full-time missionaries, going door to door. We have two from our congregation now, in fact. My daughter-in-law served also. All three went to South America. We do have older couples serving in the same capacity. They just are not as obvious as the young men on their bikes, white shirts and ties. The women don't ride bikes (doesn't work too well with dresses), and neither do the old-timers (the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak).

    Next, talented Mormons are not expected to "work like a dog for the church" as someone said. That Donny and Marie chose to become famous was their decision. It had nothing to do with the Church. Many equally talented, or more talented people choose to live far quieter lives in the Church.

    Someone asked, "Have you seen any black Elders???" Yes. I have. And black High Priests, black Temple workers, black Stake Presidents, black missionaries, black Relief Society Presidents. Some congregations in places like Uganda are entirely black simply because there aren't any white members living within the Ward boundaries. So this is a total non-issue.

    No we don't (pardon if I leave out the vulgarity) on other faiths. It has always been our teaching to look for the good in others, recognize it, applaud it, respect it, and encourage it. That is one of our greatest strengths since it allows us to be genuine in our love and friendship to others. It allows us to be open and friendly to strangers. It allows us to keep from falling into the "us versus them" mentality. Not every member is as good at doing these things as they should be, but if they are not good at it, they can't blame the Church.

    No we are not "shady" with our true beliefs when dealing with converts. Milk before meat is a simple enough concept. How many 4th grade children are handed books on physics? While physics is something they may need to know someday, trying to teach it to them before they are ready serves no useful purpose whatsoever. Not everyone needs to learn everything there is to know. For those who do want to learn it all, the information is there, readily available, the same as in real life.

    No we didn't make our own Bible. We use the standard King James.

    No we don't shun. Period.

    As for the spaceship, that was a delight to read. I needed a good laugh! Please ask whomever told you that one to show you chapter and verse on it. If you're a betting person, you can go to Bermuda at their expense when they give up trying to find the proof text (not that I'm advocating gambling, of course!).

    To those who spoke kindly of Mormons, thank you, thank you, thank you, now and forever!


  • butalbee

    Okay, I tried to embed a post, and this popped up...I always have trouble with this embed thingy.

    Check out the "Kittens" thread, towards the bottom, from 9/25.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Sorry, but I havnt read a single thing on horses being here before the Europeans came over, let alone cows and all the other animals that are mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Granted, the Bible gets a little weird in places (Genesis!) but the majority of the events in the Bible are all Historical Fact. Regardless if you are a Christian/Jew/Athiest, you can go to Jerusleum, you can go to bethleham. The Cities, cultures, mountians, lakes, etc..etc...are REAL. Noone has ever found any city or People that is mentioned in the Book of Mormon. Thats why I have a problem with it. Dont even get me started on the plates.......

  • puzzled
    As for the spaceship, that was a delight to read. I needed a good laugh! Please ask whomever told you that one to show you chapter and verse on it.

    a mormon told me that.

    Thats one of the major disagreements with-in the religion I was refering to.

    And BTW. I also laughed my ars off.

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