A Mormon chimes in

by John Corrill 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    My neighbor and I had lots of religious discussions. Some of the weirdest stuff she told me was:

    1. The temple undergarments: she and her husband were married in the Temple at Salt Lake except to shower, they were never to take these big cumbersome HOT undergarments off EVER.

    2. God has a physical body and is represented in pictorials as being blond (blonds are more celestial than brunettes).

    3. Mormons believe in baptism (figuratively) of their dead relatives to move them to a higher level of heaven.

    4. Heaven is made up of 7 levels, and if humans knew how wonderful even the lowest level was, they would commit suicide to get there. Only truly evil people wont go to heaven.

    Oh brother....and so the misinformation on Morman beliefs continue to be passed on....scheesshh...

    I have several friends that are Morman...and I like them all... I'm tired of trying to correct misinformation here, so forget it. I look at the above list and just laugh, knowing that every point is distorted...but hey, just go ahead and pass it on as "What Mormans Believe".... then we'll have another group of people to dislike.

  • Crazy151drinker

    So was the Mark of Cain policy regarding blacks Misinformation Double?????

  • freedom96

    I too have had friends that were devot Mormons, and many of the above listings are indeed true.

    Though I do not buy into their doctrines, I think that the Watchtower could learn a lot about truly caring about others. Like mentioned above, as a Mormon, you can have friends that are not of the same faith, you can leave and will not be shunned, they have many activities for the young kids, as well as many activities for the teenagers, get togethers, dances, social interacting, which the Watchtower makes absolutely no effort to do so. They just are more accepted out there, I would imagine because they don't appear to be as extreme on the outside as Witnesses do.

  • Vivamus

    Hello John! Welcome to the board.

    Crazy said:

    and the grand finally, the cross is evil- 'you would carry around a gun on your neck if your child was shot now would you..?????'

    That is ours!!! Do Mormons have the same "no cross" policy???

    Just wondering, we don't have too many Mormons on this side of the Atlantic.


  • Crazy151drinker


    When I first heard that argument on this board, I about sh*t my pants. It was the exact same reasoning that best friend gave me!!! I tell you, JW's and Mormons are 2nd cousins....

  • imanaliento

    what comes to mind has been posted above --Jesus in America

    do you have any good questions that would stump them a the door?

  • Valis

    Joseph Smith was a huckster, criminal, nutcase, liar, and overall moroni...anyone who would perpetrate the belief that jesus was ever on the continent of North America has to be looney, not to mention talking to angels, and creating yet another high control group that people blindly follow without any regards to logic, reason, or biblical foundation.


    District Overbeer

  • happy man
    happy man

    One of my boys try too convince mee that Mormons and JW are once started of Illumanari leaders to control peoepl, if you loook on who are fore exampel in the bilderbergergroup,, it is an intresting point, who nows, perhaps he is on something here, eve if I say he is crayzy.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    So was the Mark of Cain policy regarding blacks Misinformation Double?????

    You are talking about american history, and not only about Mormans. In the 70's, the Mormans have disavowed their previous beliefs that were considered racist.

    Also, you can't put this on Mormans alone. A few years ago I was listening to a Black TV preacher who was teaching on racism in the Christian Church in America. He note that the belief of Blacks as having the mark of cain or a decendant of Ham was prevalent in numerous American Churches in the 1800's and early 1900's.

    Bottomline... I have Morman friends and one JW friend....they are in no way shape or form 2nd cousins. I might not share their beliefs, but they don't shun or think you're bad association if you're not one of them. And they are VERY family oriented....if a member of their family disassociated themselves, they're still considered family.

    It just irks me that some people who bad mouth other peoples beliefs usually have no real connection with them and its all hear say. I don't share some of my Jewish friend's beliefs, but I sure wouldn't tear them down on a website just because they're not 'one of us'.

  • HappyHeathen

    Double Edge,

    Believe me, I was not Mormon-bashing. The question posed by the author of this thread was "what were the strangest beliefs we had heard." I was simply passing on what I had been told my several Mormons -- far be it from me to know if the list was factual.

    And I know the part about Temple garments is absolutely true. My neighbor showed me hers and those of her husband. Only Mormons married in the Great Temple are allowed to wear them, so it is not widely known that this is their practice.

    I, too, had loyal friends of the Mormon religion (better than any JW friends I had) -- so please don't think I am disparaging them in any way. And I AM allowed to think their religion is almost as weird as the WT, even if I do respect their beliefs.


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