Anyone ever mess up??

by freedom96 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I remember once doing the closing prayer for field service. At the time, I didn't know what to believe, and was simply going through the motions. I would much rather been in bed. You know how as a witness the only one you pray to is Jehovah. Really cannot say "God" for fear of the looks, etc. But you certainly didn't pray to Jesus. Well, at this closing prayer, I started praying to Jehovah, but by the middle, I was praying to Jesus.......... WOAH!! Just not paying attention at all to what I was saying, and having no clue why that came out, never had done that before. So all this going through my mind, while giving the prayer, and thinking to myself "What the hell am I saying?" and then to try to finish it with dignity, and wonder what everyone else was thinking. Oh my!! No one ever did say anything, maybe it is because no one pays attention anyway.

    Any funny screw ups out there?

  • Sentinel

    Yep, I mess up all the time. Life is like that. I try to laugh at myself and not take things so seriously. Everyone is in the same boat.

    One thing I got right and didn't mess up at all, was leaving the WTBTS.



    EVEN QUEENIE has messed up a time or 2...NO ONE IS PERFECT folks..DIV. my ex was something I done did right..DAd from the WTBS is another thing I did A-ok with the encouragement of my daughter LISA..SHE is out grocery shopping 4 the family which inculudes Mamie kitty who is laying on the corner of my bed keeping an eye on me..LOV 2 ALL this 11th of Septmber...(((((HUGS)))))) QUEENIE

  • dsgal

    I screwed up all the time as a dub.Screwed up talks,choked up at the doors when asked a certain question,nothing but a big screw up .Couldn't do anything right so I got out.


    You have not officially screwed up unitl you have given the wrong talk. Or on stage to read the WT with next weeks article. Or you have been missing the book study so much you didn't know it was changed to another location just for that week. I couldn't make this stuff up!!!!


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    ...mispronounced words during the WT/Book Study reading.

    ...hit myself in the head with the mic pole.

    ...tripped someone (on purpose) with the mic cord. one book study (a few weeks ago) I dropped my book and lost my spot. It was obviuos that I didn't study/prepare ahead of time.

    Any of you who were readers: Did something really funny occur during the meeting that made you laugh so hard that you couldn't read?

  • imanaliento

    I messed up when I let them in my house.

    I think i may of answered a paragraph ahead of time from the WT study. but most people are not really listening, their sleeping.

  • Gopher

    I was the congregation piano player in the 80's. One time I played the wrong song to open up the service meeting, in its entirety. I was off by one number. So then I had to play the REAL song all the way through too.

    I heard third-hand that a brother giving a prayer asked Jehovah to "forgive us for our falling shorts".

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I think my whole life is one big mess up.


    OKAY U GUYS --- PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION is a good thing to remember.....LOVYA ((((hugs))) QUEENIE

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