The Glory Days Are Over

by Farkel 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Those were the days my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance
    Forever and a day
    We'd live the life we'd choose
    We'd fight and never loose
    Those were the days

  • Farkel

    Old Hippie,

    : Just want to say "thanks", Farkel ...............

    Coming from you, that means a lot to me. A BIG acknowledgement that somehow validates me. (My dub mom always said I was a worthless sack-of-shit. And she said this when I was a loyal and faithful pioneer!) Thank you, Old Hippie.. We should actually "talk" sometime. I don't really bite or anything. Bugs bite. I don't bite. My e-mail is and has always been open.


  • TheOldHippie

    Please don't make me cry, Farkel - I'm a sensitive guy, with not many people to talk with ............

    And I am sending you an e-mail ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • avengers

    Hello everyone. .

    These last two weeks I have spent time among the JW's. The reason for this is because we had a tragic death in the family. My granddaughter died because of a severe heart disorder. She was not even two yet. Poor baby.

    The JW's do not condone anything negative being said about the "Slave or Jehovah". As soon as they even notice that's the way you want to go they start shunning you immediately.

    So I shut up and waited. (Talk about self-control.) A circuit overseer came to me and said: "Everyone did everything possible to help, and we prayed as much as we could. But nothing helped". I answered: "The One being able to help did nothing, but let her die, yet you all still praise Him. For what?". No answer.

    What I'm trying to say is that the leaders of the Borg have all the control over the R & F. The propaganda of the Tower is very powerfull. Take for instance the KM's of the month August and September where they put down the "apostates" and command the R & F not to have associations with family members who don't see it the way the leaders do. They stand to command: "Yes Sir". My JW ex wife responds to everything the "Faithful Slave" says. And all the JW's in good standing do too. It seems almost impossible to penetrate their minds due to the WT propaganda.

    The end of the WT? I don't think it's gonna happen yet. But I will work on it.

    Thanks for all the help this forum has given me. Keep up the good work.


  • ozziepost

    You're most welcome, Andy!

    Sorry to hear about your grand-daughter.

    Courage, mon frere!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It's obvious that information is an enemy to the wt, and a one way flow of speak and thought is essential to their stability.

    But, we are entering the information age where communications are multiplying. For the wt to avoid data will require an effort like not having anything to do with tv.

    It just won't work for many - they'll hear truths that can be ignored. Even little backwood people are connected to media. Whether given good things or not, kids will eventually just tell them to shove it. The third world is their only holdout - I'm sure you'll see an increase where people don't have computers, but that won't be forever.


  • LyinEyes

    Avengers,,,,, so sorry to hear about the tragic lose of you granddaughter. Hugsss Dede

  • thepreacher

    Hi Farkel,

    This is RexB13, WorldlyWitness. Send me some e-mail sometime but use nice words. My also ex-JW wife is on the same e-mail. No more hotmail needed!

    The Preacher

  • thepreacher

    Hi Farkel,

    (Are we allowed to use your real first name?) I hope you are doing well now. Are you still volunteering at the soup kitchen?

    >If they didn't ruin families and marriage with their shunning, then just about everything would be a matter of conscience for their members. That being the case, I wouldn't care if they had a jillion end-time prophecies that failed, and wouldn't care if they continued to lie as much as they lie now. Smart people would just leave and not be hurt for merely leaving.

    Amen to that, brother! Except for one thing in my case. I would still be on them because they are robbing people not just of physical life but their immortal souls...that is the ultimate tragedy.

    WW who is now The Preacher

  • Farkel

    Derrick Blathers in this older thread,

    : Nice to see you again. I disagree with you on this one.

    You pretty much always disagree with me, and you've never been right. So far.

    : The glory days have just begun.

    : Give the reformed Society another 50 years and she will pass the Mormon church in numbers.

    So, your argument (without a single shred of fact) is that one pathetic little Cult just MIGHT pass up the membership of another pathetic little Cult. Whoopty-do! THIS is your fantasy definition of "Glory Years(tm)?"

    That is not my defintion of "Glory Years." There are over one BILLION Muslims and they are a GIGANTIC Cult who have as their destiny the same goal as the little pathetic Watchtower Cult: slaughter of their enemies and domination of the world. The Muslims are pro-active in the slaughter and the dubs are lazy: they hope God will do it for them. Dubs are the laziest people on this planet. At least Muslims don't wait for God, even though their pro-active stance is vile. Dubs sit on their asses all the time and don't do dick to change things, except sell cheesy worthless books, and all that does is piss off a whole bunch of people.

    "Glory Days" my ass. Dubs are in a big funk, and their leaders are responsible for it. The day you realize and admit this, is the day I will salute you for seeing the obvious.

    Get a clue, Rick. (How many times over the years have I asked you to do this?)

    Probably Wasting His Time CLASS

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