The Glory Days Are Over

by Farkel 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel


    : 'witnessed to'(TM)

    : And I 'planted that seed'(TM)

    : door-to-door work!(TM)

    : 'bible studies'(TM)

    : the truth'(TM) to the point of getting baptized.

    Our Lord and God "Jehovah" not only owns the trademarks for these expressions, he actually has them registrered! So please in the future use (r) and not (tm) again. Otherwise, he will kill you. It's a "Jehovah" thing.

    I don't understand it and I don't know why. I just go braindead and obey. You should do so, too.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    At one time a large portion of the 'christian' world was arian.

    It went away, but there were a few diehards, as you would expect - it's pretty hard to be so sure and proud of something that you'd give your life - and then just drop it.

    Not everyone can do it. But, here's hopin'.


  • LyinEyes

    Did someone say that the WT is going out of business??????????????


    That would explain the for sale sign in front of the hall we used to attend. LOL

    I always thought if my hubby left as an elder there, the whole place would fall apart!!!!!heheheh

    I wish,,,,,,,, but I know they have been talking about selling that termite infested , shingles in the drive way, piece of crap....... I wonder how they plan on pawning that thing off on some unspecting buyer??????????? I am sure it will not bother their consciouses.

    The FOR SALE sign, is one of those 97cent signs you get at walmart......... very tacky looking and they don't even have the good sense to use a dark marker for the number to call.

    I should take a picture and post it ,,, it is pathetic......

  • DanTheMan

    Lyin' Eyes - please do take a picture. It would be funny, I'm sure the board would get a kick out of it.

  • larc

    Farkel, I have a graph somewhere that shows the growth rate statistics from about 1935, which I prepared myself. The greatest growth, as you would expect, was under Knorr'e tutelage. However, the overall tread from the mid-40's until today was one of decline. I have to look through my papers so I can give you the actual numbers per decade.

    As I recall, the average rate from 1945 to 1955 was about 15%. From 1955 to 1965 it had dropped to about 10%. In the 70's and 80's it had slipped to about 6%. In the late 80's and mid 90's it had dropped to 4%. From about 96 until today, the rate is about 2%, only a half a percent above population growth, with all of their growth coming from underdeveloped nations.

    Also, I do have some earlier numbers. They show that that there was zero growth under Rutherford for a full ten year period from 1925 until 1935, after the 1925 failed prophecy and his continued oppresion of those who admired Russell.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    THAT sounds like a really good strategy to accelerate the process - pictures of khs with for sale signs.

    Please post them whoever can photo them.


  • Farkel


    Thank you for responding. Basically, your thesis was that the "rate" or gowth has slowed. I agree.

    This statement from you was all I had to deal with:

    : As you know, the decrease in growth began in the mid sixties, and now they are in decline in major countries.

    Being the dummy that I am, I assumed that by that statement you meant what you actually wrote.

    The key expresssion is, of course "decrease in growth" which (stupid me) I dared to assume to take it the way it was stated as you stated it and I was so stupid not to notice it wasn't that at all but a decrease in the overall percentage of growth compared to prior years.

    Some day I may actually become a psychic and all this stuff will be easy.


  • larc

    Well Farkel, like you, I remember the vibrant years of the Society, and how excited we were to be a part of it. It wasn't until I "ran the numbers", and discovered that the religion has be in steady decline, since it's peak in growth in the mid-1940's, that I saw this overall pattern.

    Now, there is an influence that is greater than anything they ever had to deal with, and of course, that is the internet.

  • Farkel


    : Now, there is an influence that is greater than anything they ever had to deal with, and of course, that is the internet

    It's not a "Farkel?." Shit. I think I'll retire, too!

    Overestimated Himself Class

  • larc

    Hey bucky, I mean Farkel, we, you and me are a part of the internet and we are making a difference. You and I kick butt.

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