How to Block an Interrogation by J.W's

by The Searcher 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    Bonsai - "I recently had this argument overt the phone with my former COBE. I was asking him over and over to show me where in the bible it is scriptural to shun df'd ones who are trying to get reinstated and going back to meetings only to be shunned at them. Inevitably, I was asked if I was criticizing God's earthly representatives the (k)GB. I said I was criticizing policies that are not supported by the bible which is the main authority in my life. That went right over his head."

    A near-textbook case demonstrating that loyalist JWs don't actually care what the Bible says; they care about what the Watchtower says.

  • Vidiot

    Magnum - "They play by rules from which they have immunity."

    Once again, for the lurkers, newbies, and trolls...


    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • Lieu

    If you knew it before the GB knew it, then you're "running ahead of the Org". See how that works? For some strange reason the HS works faster in you ... and this is not a good thing to JWs. You must slow down & let the GB win "the race".

    So the Holy Spirit should not be telling your lowly nothing self anything 'cause Jesus only mediates with the benevolent in New York USA like the GB and John Smith.

    New Jerusalem and New York are like Fozzie and Kermit: Twins.

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