How to Block an Interrogation by J.W's

by The Searcher 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Don't you believe that this is God's spirit-directed organization?"

    "Do you believe that God is teaching us through the faithful & discreet slave?"

    "Who else has the truth?"

    "Where else can we go?"

    These are the type of questions which friends/family/elders will hit us with to determine if we are "falling away" or turning apostate. A negative answer to any question will result in the wolves being let loose on you. However, I've decided to imitate Jesus' lateral thinking at Matthew 21:23-27 when the Jewish "heavy mob" tried to get him to say something incriminating. In verse 24 it says, " In reply Jesus said to them: "I, also, will ask YOU one thing. If YOU tell it to me, I also will tell YOU by what authority I do these things.." He asked them a question which placed them in a lose-lose situation.

    My reply: Answer me one question, then I'll answer yours: "Do you believe everything which the faithful slave says?"

    If they say 'Yes', then they will know how stupid and gullible they will be portraying themselves!

    But If they say 'No', they will sound disloyal to "God's direct channel of communication on earth."

    Catch 22.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    The Searcher:

    I can only suggest answers to these two questions from what would be a Christian point of view (I'm not Christian by the way).

    "Who else has the truth?"

    According to the Bible Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life." This answer might mark you as an apostate but they may not know how to respond.

    "Where else can we go?"

    Christianity is not about where you go to but whom you go to.

    My reply: Answer me one question, then I'll answer yours: "Do you believe everything which the faithful slave says?"

    If they say 'Yes', then they will know how stupid and gullible they will be portraying themselves!

    Don't assume that. I'm sure they would gladly answer yes without thinking themselves gullible or stupid.

  • Ding

    They will probably say that they believe everything the faithful slave says.

    Sadly, instead of seeing themselves as gullible, they'll see themselves as heroically loyal to Jehovah and his organization.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2
    Yeah a logical mind would consider that a catch 22, but a JW mind will immediately reason themselves out of that cognitive dissonance....and probably end up getting you to say something about changing teachings. Once you do that, they can box you out.
  • Clambake
    I have often wondered if gods plan for humanity was to give us seven magical men in New York it would be a teaching clearly defined in the bible. Outside of the parable of the faithful and wise servant which is a parable, what evidence in the bible this being gods final plan for humanity.
  • coalize


    The "divine plan" of God : The GB-7!!!!

  • Splash

    How about a slight change to Searchers killer question to "Do you believe that everything the faithful slave has said in the past was correct?"

    If they say "yes" then ask why they have changed stuff.

    If they say "no" then say "so they CAN be wrong!"

    If they say "it was right at the time", then add "but it was wrong later?"

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Why do you ask?

  • Bonsai

    I recently had this argument overt the phone with my former COBE. I was asking him over and over to show me where in the bible it is scriptural to shun df'd ones who are trying to get reinstated and going back to meetings only to be shunned at them. Inevitably, I was asked if I was criticizing God's earthly representatives the (k)GB. I said I was criticizing policies that are not supported by the bible which is the main authority in my life. That went right over his head.

    Him: "So, you are telling me that you didn't have a problem with these policies when you answered the second question for your baptism with a yes, but now you do?"

    Me: "I baptized myself to God with the bible as my authority and the bible as my beacon for my conscience."

    Him: "So, you are saying you have a problem with this organization..."

    Me: "Yes, I do. These policies are causing unnecessary pain, as well as suicides. They also bother my bible-based conscience."

    Him: " Paul gave clear counsel to stop associating with df'd ones, as well as remove them from the congregation. In fact, 2 John 11 clearly states that we are not even to greet ones who are gross sinners, for if we did we would share in their sins."

    Me: "Paul also said that we are to confirm our love for such ones so that they don't become overwhelmed with sadness and possibly end up killing themselves. By the way, I was hoping you would bring up 2 John, because it shows that you are not adhering to the bible at all. That scripture was meant for an ANTI-CHRIST. Someone who denies Jesus. My df'd family member is not an..."

    Him (interrupting an increasingly excited me): "I think I see what you are trying to do. You only called to criticize. I can stomach you criticizing me, but I can't stomach you criticizing God's organization. I can't talk to you anymore. You are dangerous and something is going to have to be done about this phone call." Click.

  • coalize
    He asked them a question which placed them in alose-lose situation.

    The only problem with a robot JWombie, it's to put him in a lose-lose situation, he must to have something to lose...

    And a robot JWombie have already lost everything....

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