Why is the Governing Body pushing the very young(5-12 year old) into getting baptized into subservience to the Corporation?

by Brokeback Watchtower 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Bonsai

    This issue really sets me into a flying rage. I was baptized at a competent age, even still, I had no idea about the depth or details of the rules and policies of this organization. I mean for those of you who were born in like me, how many of you honestly felt concern over the second baptismal question that we are required to say yes to. Nobody really considers their affiliation with an organization. They just want to get baptized to god and chase girls/guys after getting their new found status.

    Whenever I challenge an elder over an abusive policy he basically tells me that I said yes to the second question therefore I should understand the rules, then in a roundabout way I am told to STFU or else. I can't imagine how little is going through these small kids minds when they pledge allegiance to the org. It'll come back to bite the majority of them sadly...

  • tim3l0rd

    I was saddened recently when we had my wife's niece stay with us for 3 weeks. She was recently baptized and was pioneering that month. She told me that she hated preaching but needed to keep doing it until she liked it. Every time I would do or say something that was not quite JW, she would say, "Jesus is disappointed in you." I know she was joking but I could see the cult persona kick in.

    She's home schooled so she has no connection to anyone who is not a JW. Of course, JW literature is heavily used in her schooling. I'm hoping that I can stay in long enough to help her get out. She's a very smart girl and doesn't deserve to be stunted by this religion. It'll help if my wife wakes up and joins me in this quest.

    She usually spends several weeks a year with us, so I/we may be able to get her to think outside of JW teachings.

  • pepperheart
    brain washing whilst they are young
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I wonder what the JWs are thinking about this push by the Organization to hurry up and get your children baptized the younger the better.

    I'm betting that all these things are starting to add up in the minds of the R&F in both the conscious and unconscious parts. I mean they just took all the congregation's money and want pledges to be made for a regular amount sent to them with out saying where all this money's going they are treating them like a bunch of schmucks it is so obvious. And all the child molestation lawsuit cases they are facing more and more being added almost weekly.

    So I think a lot of JW parents will start wising up and seeing all this interest the Corporation has in their kid as not a healthy thing and that the Governing Body don't give a shit about your kids welfare as the courts can planly testify and big lawsuit payouts proves it. I'm thinking we are at the threshold of a mass awakening this corporation is over the top and only the very very blind can't see it.

  • kramer
    ?? they aren't - unless you have any references to back this up, encouraging 5 year olds to get baptised? , do you have anything stronger than anecdote?
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    , encouraging 5 year olds to get baptised? , do you have anything stronger than anecdote?

    What the youngest age you heard getting young one getting baptized into service of the WT/Jehovah's earthly organization? Just curious what is the youngest the WT corporation allow to get to get baptized?

  • umbertoecho

    It's classic "get them while their young and indoctrinate". Many other religions have done it for centuries. The baptism of infants by the Catholic Church is a savvy way to keep numbers up and keep a hold on the minds of it's followers. I think that the GB would not surprise me one bit if it decided to use the same method of constantly growing a new generation of followers from current parents, who came into religion from the last parents........and so on. Of course, they will have to live down the tribulation not happening on time and Armageddon not happening..........and the older generation of white haired ones dying off.

    Ha! That puts a new spin on "this generation" teaching.

  • Vidiot
    Get 'em dunked good and young, so that if they figure out the TATT in their late teens/early twenties they can DF 'em before they cause any trouble.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The more I think about it the more I understand how morally bankrupt the Governing Body really is. They are willing to sacrifice the well being of their rank and file members children to keep the Corporation prosperous.

    They whole heartily will throw those those child under the bus to protect their precious corporation and allow them to be subjected to a molester because, quite frankly they do not give a dam about them and will even disfellowship minor victims of such abuse and not even care in the slightest about their emotional or physical well being in the harm of such actions.

    These guys are so devoid of any humanity this cult has glutted them of a conscience that can give them any moral awareness of how despicable they really are(too caught up in this faithful and discreet slave fantasy to care or except blame), they should be taken some where and marched off a cliff with their mascot sock puppet Jehovah leading the band.

  • Clambake

    I know an elder in my wives cong and I think it is a pretty stand-up guy. He doesn’t believe in the whole childhood baptism thing. The interesting part is he has four children and only one become a Jehovah witness.

    I was told in the 80s and 90s when Jehovah witness growth was much great there was sort of a movement to discourage childhood baptism because of stories of ruined families and such by suckering kids into something they don’t understand at such a young age.

    I guess they are learning if they don’t get them young now they just don’t get them at all.

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