Could man have free will if God cansee the future?

by sleepy 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Valis

    If you guys could step away from the Jehovah business for a moment, we could have a good discussion, but I ask a logic question and you throw back faith answers...this will get us nowhere, so I'm going to refrain from this "debate" on free will. lastly, I thought I would throw in a couple quotes from one of my favorite philosphers, Bertrand Russell, about dog in general. Have a nice day...

    I observe that a very large portion of the human race does not believe in God and suffers no visible punishment in consequence. And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that he would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt his existence. (W.A.)
    What the world needs is not dogma, but an attitude of scientific inquiry, combined with a belief that the torture of millions is not desirable, whether inflicted by Stalin or by a Deity imagined in the likeness of the believer. (H.S.E.P.p221)

    BTW, JanH of the "kick apollogist ass" class said that and I doubt Bleep wants any part of that hammering..*L*


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 21 July 2002 16:18:58

  • Bleep

    Try to put the name of the person who said it next time.

  • Bleep

    Valis says, "BTW, JanH of the "kick apollogist ass" class said that and I doubt Bleep wants any part of that hammering..*L*"

    Me - What "hammering" and who's "ass"?

    And what is *L*?

    My God has everything to do with "Could man have free will if God can see the future" discussion.

  • Bleep

    Valis says, "If you guys could step away from the Jehovah business for a moment, we could have a good discussion, but I ask a logic question and you throw back faith answers...this will get us nowhere, so I'm going to refrain from this "debate" on free will."

    Me - That is God's name why not use it? Jehovah is a God of logic since he created logic. The faith answers are the best kind. Valis has nothing else to add to the discorse on free will since he uses no logic but his own.

  • pomegranate

    "Jehovah" is not God's name.

    FACT: It's a man made Catholic invention (1270 AD) that became TRADITIONALLY accepted, and was adopted by a group formerly called "Bible students."

    If I read my Bible right, man made traditions have no place in God's truth.


    Edited by - pomegranate on 21 July 2002 16:44:20

  • Valis

    Dude, now you're getting on my nerves....and I think you are trolling. You didn't even bother seeing BERTRAND RUSSEL in my post and thought you would make a smart ass remark. Showing your own stupidity must be one of your better attributes. As well dipstick, I thought you said your god created logic, and if he created me too, then mine is his own. You can't even keep your own bullshit straight.Get a brain and get off it man!


    District Overbeer

  • pomegranate

    I believe Valis's thinking is very logical.

    I have no problem understanding or following his dialogue.

    If your bailing, see ya around.

  • Farkel


    Here is an essay I did that deals with God's omniscience, among other things. It might take some time to digest, but it is worth your time, I think.

    What's Right About Right?


    Edited by - Farkel on 21 July 2002 17:8:58

  • Farkel


    : Look what mankind has done so far. Three world wars, crime, death, AIDS and other diseases, and the list goes on and on.

    It wasn't man, but God who created the organisms that cause diseases like AIDS, you dummy.


  • Bleep

    Farkel says, "It wasn't man, but God who created the organisms that cause diseases like AIDS, you dummy."

    Me - True God made all organisms but he also set some guidelines on how to stay away from some sicknesses in the Bible. A sickness is caused by the immune system not being strong enough to destroy these diseases. Farkel's point is allmost like trying to blame a person from falling off a cliff. God created gravity why did he die from falling off?

    Me again - Mankind made some of these nasty bugs. They just don't know how to combat them yet.

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