Nice shot sister!

by apostate 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate

    I heared them on more than one occassion to give thanks to Jehovah for vinning a game. Why would they do it if they would not consider themselves to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Here is one proof that a BBC reporter heared Venus to give thanks publicly.

  • Xandria

    ROFL.. lmao..

    I too would like to know the out come of the "suit" if you do it I am sure I have one of my own. Anyway... the whole thing cracks me up.


  • apostate

    I think it was Jay Leno who asked them if it is true that they are Jehovah's Witnesses and if they go from door-to-door. That's when one of the girls said that they are too busy to preach. (They were together on the Late Night Show)

    Anybody else seen it?

    I did not start this tread to make the girls look bad. I actually admire them for their hard work and currage to do what they wan't although most JWs no doubt don't approve their life style. "They could pioneer with that money or wisely give it to the Watchtower Corporation. How many Kingdom Halls could be built on the wealth these sisters treasured up for themselves. What a foolish way to waste their youth!" LOL

    Edited by - Apostate on 15 July 2002 4:31:8

  • deddaisy
    "I would like to thank my God, Jehovah, for giving me the strength to compete today since you guys were a little tough on me today," said Williams, who picks up a check of $330,0000.

    Dear molestation victim:

    I'm going to have to give you a rain-check....I'm just so busy right now between the s--t that's hitting the fan in my earthly organization and this Williams broad with her tennis, that I'm already pressed for time. What's really hell (no pun intended) is when the blasted Williams broads play each other! Am I to flip a coin as to who's prayer to answer? Oh geez, then there's that pioneer sister who's been praying for new tires.....In the mean time, you just wait on me.......s--t, line's busy at Brooklyn again.......


    Jehovah God

  • Beck_Melbourne

    [email protected] while Jehovah's spirit is helping Serena win big....he lets little kids die of cancer!

    apostate: thank you for posting that, between your incoherent words you do actually make sense. Thank you and apologies for doubting you.


  • mouthy

    I wrote to Bethel when I saw the Williams girl run around the track with the flag after one of her wins- she also mentioned it was her birthday.I asked how come- she could do this when the rest were forbidden to have anythiing to do with the flag.

    Their answer? It was up to her local congregation & a personal matter????/

    - some stay ( the contributions are good)

  • sisteract

    like your reply deddaisy. ahh this is so reminiscent of those great yearbooks re: wwII persecution and the like of god's faithful ones. i fondly remember reading an encounter about how jehovah's angel shielded the eyes of the gestapo to not see the printing press when they raided a place where the "brothers" were sectretly trying to copy the wt. forget about helping the poor "friends" in concentration camps and the like. i mean jehovah does have his priorities you know---he is a busy god---so now i guess he'll be pretty busy trying to get some good pr in with his f@#'in earthy org.and the news media. .

  • Rachel

    There is one thing that you all seem to be missing here and that is Jehovah sees all and you cannot hide your wrong doings. Jehovah always brings to light those doing wrong. Perhaps the programme has brought to light those who have done wrong.

    Maybe those who have fallen away should do well to remember that we are in the last days and Jehovah is sifting out the wheat from the weeds, we are all accountale for our actions on the day of judement. Instead of using your knowledge to tarnish Jehovahs name why don't you actually think about what you have learned at the meetings. Honestly ask yourself: Does Jehovah approve of ANY act of immorality? You, yourself know that he doesn't and he makes this clearly known in the bible. Maybe you should re-read it for a clearer understanding.

  • outoftheorg

    Rachel you are right. Jehovah does detest wrong doing.

    So how do you think he views the wrongly abused victims of the pedophiles in the jw org. and the policies of wbts that in effect help the pedophile and add to the injury to the victims.

    Don't tell me this does not happen. It happened to one of my daughters and as usual the elders chose to do nothing. This in spite of the fact that 5 victims came forwrd and the elders chose to believe only 2. My daughter and one other sister.

    This devastated my daughter. Then when I told the elders of this they told me that how she accepts their actions depended a great deal on how I accepted their actions.

    So now it is my responsibility to convince my daughter that the elders are right in their actions.

    This whole thing made me sick.

  • mouthy

    Rachel I resent your reply- I was Given the left foot of fellowship?? why for imorality? NO It was because I did nto believe Jesus came invisably in 1914. The society then came out & said -we were apostates-if we didnt believe- Will you please tell me where it tells us in the Bible Jesus came invisably in 1914- But of course because I told my kids- IT IS THE TRUTH-( The organization) they now must shun me...I will admit they came back after 15 years to see if I would like to be reinstated( the brothers) I told them yes! on conditions I can think independently( can you?NO) that I can freely speak about the fact they joined the United Nations after teaching us for years it was evil.That I could freely mention about the many sisters & brothers that died because they could not revieve organ transplants( until Jehovah changed his mind lol) that I could go from Door to door & teach the REAL Gospel. ( 1st Corinth 15 :3)

    The only reason I wanted reinstatement is.I want to cuddle my daughter & her two children & my great grandchildren before I die.

    But the Organization of the Watchtower say "If anyone doesnt agree with Us -they are to die)

    Please remember the way your judging is the way you will be judged -INDEPENDENTLY .You will not be able to say well I was following what I thought was the truth......It is a lie!!!!! a very evil lie!!!it seperates loved ones -causes people to give up on life-

    Be careful my dear girl ....

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