The sad truth is, however, that not even the best

by Bleep 28 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • SYN
    Seek competent professional help to heal such severe childhood wounds after the damage is done.

    Ah, AFTER the damage is done. What have you done to PREVENT child abuse, Bleep? Nothing.

    I really, really hate being called an "angry XJW". I am in actual fact an EXTREMELY P'D OFF XJW!

  • Bleep

    Other than pay taxes for these hidden crimes I have not been able to do anything. Seems to me no one can do anything to prevent any crime since we live in this bad world. Where have you been at, disneyland?

  • Gopher

    No one can prevent any crime. Well, but certain steps can be taken.

    Once again, the parents can take some protective steps, as in the above post from new way:

    Parents cannot prevent all bad things happening to their children. However, they can educate themselves regarding potential threats to their well-being. Here is the title of a book that really was a help to me and prevented a serious problem from happening with one of my children:

    "Protecting The Gift - Keeping Children And Teenagers Safe (And Parents Sane)"
    by Gavin De Becker
    ISBN 0-385-33309-09

    It focuses on the subject of sexual predators and other violent people, and instructs on recognizing clues to help detect them. Most of all it tells you to rely on your instincts and pay serious attention to 'gut' feelings of fear or uneasiness. A wonderful book that I would recommend to all parents.
    And the congregation can take the step of allowing (and probably encouraging) each suspected child molestor to be swiftly reported, so that FUTURE crimes against innocent children might be prevented, rather than having to go to therapy after the fact.

    Edited by - Gopher on 4 July 2002 10:45:26

  • SYN

    Seems to me no one can do anything to prevent any crime since we live in this bad world.

    Here is a quote from the front page of the Silentlambs website:

    D o Jehovah's Witnesses approve, condone, and encourage accused, confessed, and convicted child molesters to call door to door on unknowing potential victims in the witnessing work?


    o Judicial Committees require two witnesses to the event of molestation before taking any disciplinary measures?


    o elders allow sex offenders complete anonymity when they are discovered?


    o they threaten parents of molested children with disfellowshipment if they try to warn other members whose children may be in danger?


    oes the Service Department remove elders who warn parents of a pedophile member even though the elder is simply attempting to protect the children of the congregation?


    oes your Kingdom Hall provide significant training on how to direct a molested child to get the help they so desperately need?

    Or. . .


    oes the Watchtower Organization advise you that the best way to help a "troubled" person is to instruct them to endure and wait for God's Kingdom to solve their problems?

    Care to answer these few little questions? The world is watching!

  • NewWay

    Very good points SYN and GOPHER.

  • outnfree

    Just catching up on my reading.

    So, Bleep was stumped????

  • Bleep

    I was on vacation. Why should I be here everyday.

    And if I could be aloud to refraise my post here. No one can prevent the perfect crime since there are alot of mad people in the world including the angry ex jehovahs.

    This one country will not use the stamps with Jehovah Gods name on it. If God was referred to as only God then some people might get confused and think it was any god.

    maybe I will try to start a thred on that.

  • waiting

    Hello Bleep - hope your vacation went well?

    No one can prevent the perfect crime since there are alot of mad people in the world including the angry ex jehovahs. - bleep

    There is no such thing as a perfect crime - at least according to most detectives. No one can prevent all crime either - but steps, information, laws, abiding by laws - can certainly help curtail crime.............and protect children if at all possible.

    Of course there are a lot of angry xjws! When a person's family, job, loved ones, beliefs, love of the God they thought they knew are taken away, found to be really, REALLY, hurts. And it takes time to heal, just like any other wound.

    BACK TO THE ISSUE OF CHILD ABUSE.........the WT puts good admonition in their articles - but they leave out a basic truth issued by the police: GO TO THE POLICE FIRST - THE POLICE ARE PROFESSIONALS. Are they perfect? No. But they have more training in this area than elders.

    If a child has been molested - a crime has been committed. Why does the WTBTS tell it's followers to go to the elders BEFORE reporting the crime to the police?


  • Bleep

    Why would they go to the elders first? I would think it would be a good idea. My neice was brought to her drumming lessons one day and then she took off west to kansas. She is 15 years old and she wanted to run away since she could not get a boyfriend. They called the police to track her down fast. I would have to say calling the police can help the tracking part but then go to the elders for emotional support. It would be a good idea to go to the elders after that police call is made just for that emotional support. My sister did not depend on the elders one bit since they do not accomidate her illness being sensitive to perfumes. That is one case the young witnesses have and even the older ones. They are so affraid of stumbling new witnesses.

    It would be better to track down the child molester fast and go to court. But even if they are caught here in the States they get only a year or so for the sexual assault.

    I never thought that I would HAVE to go to the elders for that kind of situation. They are there if they are needed for spiritual and emotional support in my book.

    Just my two cents worth.

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