Agreement with American B.S

by lucidentity 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • lucidentity

    I for one actually agree with the comments made by invisible, Americans on the whole are a nation that dominates the world through bullying.

    America is the big kid in the playground nicking everyones lunch money.

    I live in the US but will move away soon. What happened on 9/11 was unbelievably , god awful and so sickening that I cant watch those planes hit the Twin Towers without feeling nauseated.

    This may hurt but.........America brought his on themselves. The world has had enough of their politics their machoism and their greed. The way they contemptuosly treat other nations is despicable......

    Bono (lead singer from U2) is campaigning to wipe out debt from Africa and other 3rd world nations. He had to put it to the Americans that it would be in THEIR FINANCIAL INTERSTS just so he could hold a meeting with the top dogs here ( Time magazine March 2004).

    Maybe now too, since 9/11, Americans will stop funding terrorism by giving money to the IRA which they have been doing for number of years.

  • teenyuck
    I live in the US but will move away soon. What happened on 9/11 was unbelievably , god awful and so sickening that I cant watch those planes hit the Twin Towers without feeling nauseated.

    Poor baby...take some Phillips Milk of will feel better. Go read an Awake! magazine and put a cool cloth on your forehead.

  • Princess

    You won't be leaving soon enough. Why not wear a sign on the 4th? Most patriotic Americans would love to know how you really feel.


  • peaceloveharmony

    and the point of starting another new thread on this subject is??????


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    religious leaders such as jerry falwell and pat robertson said that america had it coming . they suggested that the atrocities were punishments allowed by god because of america's rampant immorality. eventually, due to strong public criticism, both apologized. you say america deserved this assault because of our "corporate greed," and "economic imperialism" against poorer nations. we often hear that we americans are self-centered and materialistic. yet, again and again, we give copious aid to our distressed neighbors - even former enemies.

    as canadian broadcaster gordon sinclair said in 1973, "when i first started to read newspapers, i read of floods on the yellow river and the yangtse. who rushed in with men and money to help? the americans. . . . when distant cities are hit by earthquakes, it is the united states that hurries in to help." sinclair also says that america "has pumped billions upon billions of dollars into discouraged countries. . . ." we also believe in helping the less fortunate here at home. within days of the new york catastrophe, 1.5 billion dollars came pouring in to assist the victims. surveys show that 90% of american households give to charity and 44% volunteer some time each year to serve others.

    philanthropy by the super-rich funds hundreds of foundations, research centers, and humanitarian efforts. yet charitable giving by ordinary citizens, giving their $25, $50, or $100 checks, supports just as much or more good works. america's conduct of war: americans are committed to a just-war doctrine. by and large, we use military force to make things right. our enemies are mostly vicious aggressors like hitler, stalin, ho chi min, saddam, and osama. even against these adversaries, we kill only when necessary. u.s. armed forces treat prisoners humanely. in accordance with the standards of the geneva convention, we provide food, shelter, sanitation, and expert medical care. in afghanistan our massive aid has averted a winter of massive starvation. along with the rest of western europe, our former enemies germany and japan can testify that once the war is over, we join in rebuilding the economies of both allies and foes.

    saying that america deserved it is like saying a provocatively dressed woman walking down the street deserves to get raped, or that someone not watching their child around a pool deserves it if they drown.

    America's Youth Respond to Afghan Children's Fund
    Remarks by the President on America's Fund for Afghanistan Children
    The American Red Cross
    Washington, D.C.

    View the President's Remarks
    Listen to the President's Remarks

    2:34 P.M. EDT

    THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Last week, I asked America's children to send a dollar to the White House to help provide food and medicine to the children of Afghanistan. Today, I'm pleased to report that in just a few short days, children all across our country have responded with remarkable generosity and deep compassion.

    I want to thank Dr. Healy, for doing such a fine job as the President of the American Red Cross. I'm proud to be your Chairman. (Applause.) And I want to thank Kristen. In my speech to the country the other night, I said, why don't you go out and mow a lawn or do somebody a favor to earn a dollar. Never did I think feeding chickens would be part -- (laughter.) But she fed so many chickens, she told me, she raised $45 for the children of Afghanistan. Good job. (Applause.)

    I want to thank Marty Evans, the National Executive Director of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America for being here. And I want to thank all the Girl Scouts who are here. (Applause.) I want to thank Robbie Callaway, Senior Vice President of Governmental Relations of the Boys and Girls Clubs. And I want to thank the Boys and Girls Clubs. (Applause.)

    Steve Culbertson, the President of the Youth Service of America. I want to thank Steve for being here. (Applause.) I want to thank my friend, Mike Farris, for being here. He's the Chairman and General Counsel of the Home School and Legal Defense Association. Mike, on behalf of the home-schoolers, thank you for being here. (Applause.)

    And I saw a pretty familiar face, Congressman Chris Shays. Congressman, thank you. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you for coming, I appreciate you -- (applause.) I appreciate you coming, Chris. I know you wouldn't be here if you didn't join all the children around the country for doing what's right.

    Let me tell you, since Friday, we've had 90,000 pieces of mail -- 90,000 -- have arrived at the White House. Dr. Healy, the American Red Cross, working with the U.S. Agency for International Development, are making sure that every dollar, every single dollar that's been raised by the boys and girls of America will be spent on the needs of the boys and girls in Afghanistan.

    For the people that work hard either feeding chickens or going door to door or having bake drives, you can rest assured that Dr. Healy is going to make sure the money goes where we want the money to go.

    Winter arrives early in Afghanistan; it's cold, really cold. And the children need warm clothing. And they need food. And they need medicines. And thanks to the American children, fewer children in Afghanistan will suffer this winter.

    The children have donated the dollars because they understand a couple things. They understand how fortunate we all are to live in America. We're really lucky people to live in this country. They also understand that some people their own age can suffer. And we don't want them suffering.

    There has been some amazing stories -- I want to share some of them with you. It's just the beginning, by the way, of the stories that we'll all be able to share all across America. A guy works for me named Mitch Daniels, from Indianapolis, Indiana. He helped start a place called the Oaks Academy. It's an inner-city school. They've got 163 students that go to that little school.

    He came back from visiting his family the other day with $163. Every child gave a dollar in that school. Jordan Fisher, a 6th grader at the Oaks Academy, wrote this in a letter. She said: We feel sorrow for the children that the Taliban has hurt, and we're willing to do anything we can to help them have food to eat.

    That's such a beautiful spirit, and it's so important that our boys and girls of America understand that when you share with somebody else, it not only enriches your life, it enriches the life of our entire nation. Everybody can make a contribution in the war against evildoers. And by helping a child in Afghanistan is a very important contribution.

    Some students right here in Washington were among the first to respond. The student council at Amidon Elementary School in Washington organized their fellow students to donate dollars. They heard the call and there was organization right off the bat. That means people were getting other people to go raise dollars on behalf of the Afghanistan children.

    Students at Crestwood Elementary -- and I see some of their representatives right here on the front row -- in Springfield, Virginia, donated -- now, catch this -- $2,000 from their annual fundraiser to the America's Fund for Afghan Children. I want to thank you all for coming, and thank you for your generosity.

    The other day, Laura, my wife, spoke at Birney Elementary School in Washington, and the students there presented her with $172 in donations. Home-schooled students are sending in dollars. Youth Service America, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and other youth groups are all raising money.

    I see the Scouts who are here. I can't think -- we've got to have a Merit Badge -- (laughter) -- made especially for this occasion, to make sure that Scouts all across America, Boys and Girl Scouts, Cubs and Brownies, raise money.

    You know, there's a lot of focus on our soldiers, and we're so proud of our soldiers. But there are other ways to be in the Army. And one way is to show the goodness of America. One way to fight evil is to fight it with kindness and love and compassion.

    And what an amazing contrast it is for our children to help children in need in Afghanistan. It points up how ugly and repressive the Taliban government is of Afghanistan. And the message stands in stark contrast to the message of hate that our boys and girls have seen on TV; a message, frankly, that's hard for a lot of our kids in America to understand. Why would somebody hate so badly that they would fly airplanes to take a life? Why? Why is it that people send ugly things through the mail?

    And my answer is, there's evil in the world. But we can overcome evil. We're good. We're good-hearted people, and the boys and girls of America are showing the world just that. We don't fight a religion -- no, we fight evil. We respect the Muslim culture. We know Islam is a religion that teaches love and peace and compassion. No, our struggle is against evil people -- evil people that claim they're religious, but are not.

    And I also want the boys and girls to know that while you're helping, our government is doing everything we can to make America safe. We're doing everything we can to find anybody who wants to hurt you, to bring them to justice. We're doing everything we can to respond to any act that may take place in our country.

    I know some boys and girls worry, but by going out to raise money to help others, it'll help ease the worry and set such a good example for everybody else to see.

    So I want to thank not only the boys and girls here who have worked so hard in the D.C. area, but the boys and girls from all across the country who have heard the call to love a neighbor just like you would like to be loved yourself.

    Thank you very much for coming. May God bless your works, and may God continue to bless America. (Applause.)

    END 2:42 P.M. EDT

  • lucidentity

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! Isn't that sweet, the nice little Mr. Bush asking all of America's children to give a dollar......what B.S.


    God Bless America !............and stuff every other nation!

  • teenyuck

    Since lucid called me a Bitch (remember Lu?) I feel it is necessary to respond to his/her pitiful attempts to preach.

    Remember this post, Lu?

    I cant say I am any better that any of you apostates because my lifestyle currently is not one that I was raised to adhere. I just wish I was strong enough to be in a position to wholeheartedly worship Jehovah as a true christian. And belileve it or not , everytime I read the message forums it is making me become stronger towards the truth as I can see how Satan has blinded you, and how I know in MY heart the JW's are correct in what they say.

    OK, they may have made soem errors in the past , but I would rather take my chances and watch as the light does get brighter....Jehovah only reveals things as he sees are we to question that?

    There are still unopened scrolls yet..Daniel..what will they unveil.....all I know is if I dont change my ways I will be dead. But I can realise cant...and I am glad I have this understanding and not not believing anumore...ripping apart man instead of focusing on Jehovah ! can count these minutes as preaching. It said so on Purelanguage.
  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    ~~~apparently you didn't read the entire post. your comments don't offend me, if that's what you're shooting for. America is a great country - the greatest in the world, no exceptions.

    ~incense and peppermints

  • lucidentity

    I remember calling you a bitch......seems to be that is a little too light but........

    What the hell was your point right there ??????!!!!!

  • Undecided

    Hi Lucidentity,

    The way they contemptuosly treat other nations is despicable.

    Why do they always come to the US for help if they are treated contemptously?

    singer from U2) is campaigning to wipe out debt from Africa and other 3rd world nations

    You think we should keep up those who are too dumb and lazy to support themselves? They take machetties and chop each other up and dump them in rivers. Their leaders just can't seem to help. They treat each other more despicable than anyone else.

    Ken P.

    Edited by - Undecided on 2 July 2002 14:30:51

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