Radio Broadcast..Pledge of Allegiance

by dungbeetle 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle

    I didn't know which forum to post this, so I just take the easy road and post it here. There has been some discussion of this in several threads on the board, and so when I was asked to pass this around, I will do it here...

    FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2002(TONIGHT) AT 5:00 PM PACIFIC/8:00 PM EASTERN click the "Listen" icon to hear the broadcast, or: WHAT YOU WON'T HEAR IN THE MEDIA THE INFIDEL GUY, ONLINE ATHEIST COMMUNITIES, ET AL, WILL GET TO THE TRUTH: THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RULING WAS NOT A MISTAKE. Tomorrow's show listed here: Dear Atheists of Silicon Valley, Humanist leadership, FRFF, Jim Heldberg, et al: As you know, the media has provided very superficial coverage of the issues that surround the recent CA court ruling, which opined that "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional for coercive use in public schools. Immediately afterward, our "representative" government went AWOL, using their easy access to TV cameras to quell any discussion by mindlessly harping on the status quo. I think they're getting a bit used to kissing religious ass on Capitol Hill. We are to expect an automated overturn of the decision, without requiring any - you know - LEGAL justification. But if it isn't overturned in the courts, Congress assures us that they will pass illegal legislation to override judicial review. Then President Bush tells the world with a straight face: "our rights come from God." I think he should be impeached just for being that dumb. You can ignore it, but the McCarthyist wart on the face of American patriotism isn't going away. Apparently it falls on atheists to do this tedious clerical work. Be clear: politicians and the media blitz have produced NO justifiable argument for keeping "under God" in the pledge. We've got arrogant Christians telling us we're a Christian nation so they're not worried [about trouncing atheist liberties], and juvenile retorts like "I have been saying the pledge my whole life - arrest me!" Atheists and atheist groups have not been conspiring to push this court decision through, but we need to make it clear to our absent-minded representatives that it was not a mistake. The decision preserves democracy, the wisdom to keep church and state separate, and the true intentions of the poem's author. This is one simple issue where the secular community needs to take the moral high ground and not give in to absurdity. I know I have a lot to say about this apparently "insignificant" ruling, and you do, too. A.S.V. & local A.A. affiliates: Some have been meditating upon the finer points of American religion & politics for decades, without a pulpit from which to express a secular rebuttal. We have respectable contacts in local media who can use the unique elements we will be bringing up tomorrow. Please refer them to this broadcast, as it should be quite educational. Please quickly notify secular mailing lists. Thanks! xxxxxxx (name and email address removed by me)

  • Xander

    Damn straight!

    I think that is tends to keep being forgotten that taking that out of the pledge does not somehow make it mean less than it was intended.


    Taking it out is just restoring it to its original, and CORRECT, meaning.

  • Gopher

    Thanks for posting that info, Dungbeetle.

    USA President George W Bush clearly was pandering to the majority in his "our rights are from God" sermonizing. I don't know that he deserves to be impeached, but perhaps his statement deserves more scrutiny (and ridicule, perhaps). Our rights come from equal protection under the law. Whether anyone's God had anything to do with it is merely an opinion. True, it's an opinion most of the USA's founding fathers held, but nonetheless it is merely an opinion.

    The fact that the law and constitution are in place to protect rights and freedoms, particularly of the unpopular minority, cannot be disputed. It is not an opinion, like the "our rights come from God" statement is.

  • Kenneson


  • Gopher

    LOL, Claude. I was waiting for that! You made my day complete, in a strange way.

  • Kenneson

    Well, Gopher, I'm just as offended with those who are trying to remove those two words.

  • Cowboy

    Well,I kind of see where the atheists are coming from,but I hate to see it happen.With all due respect to the non-believers,our nation was founded on Christian principles.I believe that the U.S.A. has done everything within reason to accept all belief systems,and avoid discriminating against them,but the fact remains that a majority of the U.S. population is Christian,and Christianity and patriotism are closely linked,and the pledge is all about patriotism.I very much agree that it shouldn't be forced on anyone,but I don't think it should be changed.

    Nuff Said,


  • SYN

    Well, this is a hairball and a half. Since I'm not American, I'm just not going to comment, because there are obviously strong feelings on both sides of the issue.

  • lydia

    I have to agree with Cowboy on this.....

    I think that the Athiests have done enough of the this they are imposing their beleifs on those of us who are Christian.

    They have tken Prayer out of is trying to have a plaque that is inscribed with the 10 Commandments down from a wall where it has hung for over 84 years because it offends her -

    I am a bit sick of hearing that - if it offends you so - don't look at it!

    Maybe that father should take a lesson from the Borg (I don't believe I wrote that!) he should teach his daughter not to say that phrase - but to be rspectful of those that do.

    Will he no longer use the money of this country to get his way because it has the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" written on it?? I doupt it - he will continue to use it.

    I think he needs to do what he is trying to force us to do - teach his child about his beliefs at home .

    "One Nation Under God"

    Sorry but this really upsets me!


  • ashitaka

    One nation under the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    Think the witties would like the pledge in that case?


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