My Parents Lost Forever?

by Hold Me-Thrill Me 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Today I focus on the Journey and not the destination....Greg Anderson
  • cultBgone
    Sometimes when we focus on what may happen after life, we forget to truly live now. Those who are gone do live on in our memories and the wonderful stories we are able to share about them. Wishing you peace.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    A man's daughter (7-8 years old) ask him, "where was I before I was born?

    When he told her she wasn't anywhere she was horrified. Same fear

    people have about death. So I figure I wasn't anywhere before I was born

    so I will be no where when I die.

  • zeb
    u have a pm
  • smiddy

    We will all know what happens when we die.......or we won`t.

    My condolence to you jean-luc picard for your loss.


  • azor
    Jean luc. I can only imagine what you go through. I wouldn't be able to sleep either.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    To Jean-Luc - I truly cannot imagine the inconsolable grief you have over the loss of your daughter. I hope that happy memories of your daughter overwhelm your grief and keep her alive in your heart and mind.

    To everyone - My personal faith - which anyone has the right to disagree with or ridicule if they so desire - is that there is no immediate afterlife in some ethereal existence.

    I firmly believe that my mother and father are "sleeping", and will be awakened one day - as Christ himself promised. (John 5:28,29)

    The timing of that day is not my business, and I don't need to know. It's going to happen, and that's what is important. (Acts 17:31-32) "Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.” Well, when they heard of a resurrection of the dead, some began to mock, while others said: “We will hear you about this even another time.”

    I accept that guarantee with both hands, and if others may mock my firm belief, I could not, and would not retaliate by ridiculing their disbelief in such a prospect. Time will tell.

  • Alive!


    Perhaps dear fellow traveller, keep in mind that we are all on a journey.

    I know nothing. The greatest minds, the most entertaining minds. they know nothing either.

    The fact we quest and strive to know - surely that in itself is the beginning of an answer?

    Every myth, every story reaching back into our ancient beginnings, through many cultures and civilisations - the same story.

    The story being that this isn't all there is.



    After life.

    Humans - We just can't let go - can we?

    We lost something that we still all hope for, grasp for.

    I just want to start over in making my way in this "age" - and I'm not afraid of time.

  • Alive!

    Jean Luc,

    Hope you felt comforted by friends who care here.

    Sometime it's all we need to carry us through painful hours.

    Warm human love from another.

  • kaik

    Billions of people passes through this planet and billions will be born, live, and die. Everyone who had died never came back from dead. Not single time. While many of you and me included want to believe that there is after-life and another chance, the reality so far we have, is the only life on right now at this moment. I have accepted that I will never see my biological father and brother; and people who left live in my memories. What religion is had done, is selling a snake oil to make your present life meaningless for promising unverified another life after the death.

    Instead preoccupation with the death, people should make their present life more meaningful for themselves, their love ones, for their community.

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