Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?

by Brokeback Watchtower 60 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OrphanCrow
    Brokeback: Perhaps if the liquidate everything they can settle with all the share holders then for a profit

    No, I don't think that the shareholders could receive profit from the liquidation of a non-profit organization. The shares have no monetary value and the shareholders cannot profit from the liquidation of it.

    The money would have to be laundered out somehow. There are lots of ways to do that. Eh..there is probably a lot of soapy money floating around that has had the WT logo washed off it.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Do you think the Feds have their eye on things of this sort, waiting till they have a open and shut case?

    I'm sure the government doesn't want this source of revenue for them in the form of tax dollars to escape them from any of this type of fraud.

  • fulano

    I knew two shareholders. One, brother Ferrari, a missionary, who died I think in 1998, the other is Reiner Thompson, another missionary, still in service, now zone overseer.

    Both loyal, dedicated and hard working men. No way they had any profit on it. It's like with the GB stories and lies and supposed wealth....keep on trying, but it is not true.

  • fukitol
    Dissenters and apostates have been dreaming about this for decades. Ray Franz was about the closest we got to this. Since then it's about as likely a prospect as a coup amongst the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, or a coup amongst Kim Jong Un's elite.
  • OrphanCrow
    fulano: Both loyal, dedicated and hard working men. No way they had any profit on it.

    Of course. I have no doubt of that.

    They have to be loyal. That is a mandatory requirement for membership in the Society.

    Of course they were hard working. What do you attribute that hard work to? Love for Jehovah?

  • fulano
    @Orphan. Whether they did or do it for love, I don't know. I answered the question if the members have profit or not. That's all. And No they havent they were pooor as rats.
  • smiddy

    I am sure they do , why not .? Having enemies ?, It`s human nature , their is always somebody who think they can do a better job than you , or you are not up to standard to effectively carry out this job.

    Their is always somebody who wants the position you hold , watch your back.

    And it is no different in religious institutions.

    Their is no doubt in my mind that their are people in Bethel who are just biding their time to replace one of the Governing Body.


  • OrphanCrow
    @Orphan. Whether they did or do it for love, I don't know. I answered the question if the members have profit or not. That's all. And No they havent they were pooor as rats.

    Of course they were poor. They all are. Poor as rats.

    Except for the ones who get the right kind of handshake. There has been threads on this forum about the green handshake. Gifts. Large ones in some cases. Gifts are way, way better than income or profit.

    Rats like gifts. No tax on gifts.

    Keeping them poor as rats is part of the religion scam - they have to be poor to show a nonprofit status. But I have heard of some who retire quite nicely on the greenhandshake retirement fund they have built up during the time that they were 'poor as rats'.

    I think the Society - those 300 to 500 men - are the ones who are Branch Overseers etc. They don't take a wage - they work really hard and are loyal because who they work for are the ones who are really paying them - the ones with green hands are their bosses.

    Because Society men are poor, they are vulnerable to corruption. There are many who make their spending money on the side or under the table. The Society does business like a crime syndicate does - in cold hard cash.

    There are opportunities for Society men who are in the right positions to siphon money from the WTS. For example, think of the Society men who were in charge of buying paper several years back. Three of them dealt with one salesman. The salesman was paid a commission larger than usual for the industry, the paper price was inflated, and the salesman was assured his position for many years...with no contract. Nothing in writing.

    I know of only two kinds of businesses that do business without contracts - the incompetent ones that go belly up...or criminal businesses. Criminals don't put anything in writing either.

    In the criminal world, cash gifts are given for favours. For jobs well done. Or for work yet to be expected. I betcha the green handshakes that happen behind closed doors of the Society, have the power to even influence doctrine.

  • Vidiot

    Brokeback WT - "Do you think the Feds have their eye on things of this sort, waiting till they have a open and shut case?"

    Couldn't say if they were actively trying to "build a case"...


    ...I'd be very surprised if they weren't watching the Org more now than they were, say, 20 years ago.

  • Gayle

    I had heard some of these voters were not even JWs. I found this so perplexing.

    I want to know so much more about this whole mysterious group.

    All those years of studying crazies, of type and antitype, scripture gymnastics of 2,520 years, and prophecy, proving false, first fulfillment and second fulfillment junk. And yet we remained ignorant about WT charity status and its workings. Ugh.

    I hope this can be a running thread, or another specific thread of this investigation.

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