Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?

by Brokeback Watchtower 60 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I typed in google "Gerrit Losch refuses subpeona" and these links came up click on them:

  • Brother Jeramy
    Brother Jeramy
    Bethel is very much like most congregations. It's mostly populated with WTS/GB loyalists, but has its small share of lukewarms and a healthy share of dissidents (who become dissidents after getting to Bethel). The issue at WT headquarters is in the various upper echelons of corporate management. While the GB has an ecclesiastical grip on the theological underpinnings of the WTS, the actual operational control is far more out of their hands now than most realize. The actual power brokerage (from which stems many of the doctrinal changes, both recent and upcoming) happens outside the GB weekly conferences and at the hands of "other sheep."
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    So basically he refused a court apperance but sent a sign document denying anything to do with submission to the WT corporation.
  • DarioKehl
    It is only a matter of time before an insider pulls a Snowden or Assange and smuggles a flash drive to Anonymous. The curtain will tear open and soon. It's inevitable. You realize that, right? It only takes one person with a conscience and enough IT knowledge to bring the whole thing down in a shocking way
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Brother J,

    So the Governing Body are just the figure head CEOs of the WT corporation that the parties that really pull the strings are of the Other Sheep?

  • Brother Jeramy
    Brother Jeramy

    Brokeback Watchtower,

    A more apt analogy would be the GB is the British monarch and the corporate executives of the WTS and other corporations are the Parliament. The monarchy is an integral part of the cultural, political, and social identity of the society, but the real policy and operational power is in the Parliament.

    The fabric of the GB's cloak of control is wearing very thin thanks to the numerous ongoing revisions of its key doctrines. Executive officers at WTS corporations, the vast majority of whom are of the so-called "other sheep," are not blind to this. There are only so many more times the Writing Department can author a revision of the "this generation" teaching (along with more doctrine revisions enforcing the GB's centrality of authority over all Witnesses) before the GB's remaining facade of credibility completely implodes. When that happens (and it will happen), the GB will have to necessarily be dissolved and someone will have to take its place in order to viably manage the foreseeably tremendous fallout.

    It's only a matter of time.

    But yes. For the most part the GB is just a figurehead. Has been for years, actually, though now so even more than ever.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Bro Jeramy, can you further elucidate how non gb members are able to force their hand? Have you personal experience of the workings in the upper echelons?


  • OrphanCrow
    halfbanana: Bro Jeramy, can you further elucidate how non gb members are able to force their hand?

    I am not BroJeremy, Halfbanana, so I hope you don't mind if I throw a comment or two in here. I, too, am interested in what Jeremy has to say about your question.

    It would not be difficult for the 'Society' to force their hand with the GB.

    According to the 1945 Charter of the WTS, it is required that the society has a membership roll of a minimum of 300 men and a maximum of 500 men. These men are either to be appointed or nominated to the inner membership of the society. And they each hold one voting share in the society. In Russell's day, the voting shares were bought - the more a person donated, the more shares and power they had.

    The GB are only the figureheads of a group of 300-500 men who comprise the Society itself. Legally, the membership of the society (that group of 300-500 men) has power - enough power to tell the 'board of directors' what to do.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Thanks very much OrphanCrow for this information. Yep the Board of Directors is where the power lay with a constant tension from the 500 vote holders. O my god what a clumsy running Jehovah's Chariot with it wheels full of about 500 eyes which cause it to make u turns at almost a random pace. Maybe the number is creeping towards 300 better get out there and finds some more idiots who hate college and philosophy and science to bring the number up to 400 hundred or something.

    One thing bugs me is that Raymond Franz never really touch on this subject in his book and makes it seem that sole power to make policy is with the group he was in with no hint of a ceiling.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Is there any way that these 300-500 vote holders get kick backs or monetary rewards that come from profits annually?

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