JW's the best looking people ever?

by terafera 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • terafera

    A sister that studied with me once told me that if you look in the Halls, you will see some of the most best looking people on earth. She said that sisters are far prettier than worldly people because they keep themselves so 'pure' and brothers were much manlier because they knew how to 'protect women and take the lead'.

    I dont know about that! Some of you have sent me your pictures and WOW, all I can say is hubba hubba!!

    Forget the Halls... you guys are just downright cute!

  • Naeblis

    I don't know Tera.. this is what I looked like before I left the truth..

  • LDH


    Naebs I love Pepe.

    I can't believe Long John silvers took his "lounge" offline!


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    She said that sisters are far prettier than worldly people because they keep themselves so 'pure' and brothers were much manlier because they knew how to 'protect women and take the lead'.

    she assumes that all 'worldy people' are screwing each other senseless night and day in crackhouses, or something.

    ah... 'manly brother'. now there's an oxymoron...

    besides, free spirits like us are way cuter than those bland little people still in captivity, don't they know that? sheesh.

  • terafera

    God, Naeblis, if you looked like that when you were in the 'truth', you better get back to the Hall!!! You were adorable!! I just want to tousle that hair!!

    Funny you should say that... here's a pic of me at the last assembly! I've improved a little, dontcha think?

    Never fear, go here http://www.petitiononline.com/5avePepe/petition.html to save our lovable friend!!

  • terafera

    Incense, 'manly brother'.. LOL. The guys I liked were a little rebellious, which meant they werent at the Halls!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I reckon your friend was right Tera...if you're from deliverance land!

    Here's a pic of the PO's son....not my cup of tea mind you.

    His mum/mom.

    His sister and her ministerial servant hubby.

    His best friends mum/mom.

    ...and last but not least...his brother.

    Don't know why I ever left the troof...I could've got with him if I'd been more spiritual.


  • terafera

    LOLOLOL okay Beck, you're going to pay for my hospital bills! I just swalled a pretzel whole!!! I'm still choking!!! LOL

    Where the hell did you get those pics?? The first one is too funny! They're priceless!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Tera...I got them from my photo album of course...just snaps of our congregation get togethers...actually you can find more JW good lookers at: http://www.fugly.net



  • DazedAndConfused

    The pictures came from * http://www.fugly.net

    If you want to see where pictures are taken from you right click on the picture, and a box comes up. At the bottom is "Properties". Click on that and it gives the address for where the pictures were taken from.

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