Letter For Judicial Hearing 6-6-02

by silentlambs 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    "...it will just be a matter of time before rank and file JWs will see that WT is not interested in the spiritual condition of the flock."

    How's about we help them? Why not reverse the tables on these elders by mailing them, approaching them, face to face, with facts and documents? SHOW them that the WT dickHEADS have no compassion or sympathy for ANY ELDERS!!


    I am sending this thread to FOXNEWS (O'Reilly and Hannity/Colmes)and also to Chris Matthews 'Hardball' on MSNBC.

    Hopefully your attorney will get a call soon. It would be supberb if you and he went on one of these 'no spin zones'. At least talk to them when they do call.

    This 'snowball' is so glorious to behold. {{{{hugs to sustain you}}}}

    sKally, two words people: RESTRAINING ORDER!

    Too many 'lambs'!

  • sf


    Not sending thread. Sending only silentlambs attorneys letter.

  • professor

    Cases like this one are priceless. Knowledge is power, and the more people realize they have rights, the less likely they will allow themselves to be bullied by elders who think they have complete control and rule. The elders laughed at me in my face when they DF'd me - and it seems that they are not exactly dealing with Mr. Bowen in a "spirit of mildness".

  • TheMatrix

    Mr. Bowens,

    I thought you said that you were a Witness in “good standing” in the congregation? It doesn’t seem like it from the letter. It seems like you don’t even want to be a Witness anymore.

    And what’s this about the “drive-bys”? This is about the stupidest thing I’ve heard in all my life. What is a JW drive-by? Do they spray your house with watchtowers? LOL… Come on, man, you’re just paranoid. Why don’t you just face the JC and get it over with.

    I’ll tell you what, why don’t you put Jehovah to the test. If you are right in your fight against Watchtower policy, then Jehovah will certainly bless you. So pray to Jehovah, meet with the JC and let his spirit guide the meeting. If Jehovah is blessing your efforts then something good will come out of that meeting. This way, we will finally know who Jehovah is blessing.

  • professor

    Matrix (apprently you are stuck in one and don't know it!):

    Did you even read the letter? Mr. Bowen showed up at his JC with witnesses from far away and the elders STOOD HIM UP!

    Let's try to gather some facts before pointing a finger. (Luke 6:42)

    And wait... wasn't it Satan who told Jesus to put God to the test? What did Jesus say in return? Read Matthew Chapter 4 verses 1-7.

  • simwitness

    matrix --

    I’ll tell you what, why don’t you put Jehovah to the test. If you are right in your fight against Watchtower policy, then Jehovah will certainly bless you. So pray to Jehovah, meet with the JC and let his spirit guide the meeting. If Jehovah is blessing your efforts then something good will come out of that meeting. This way, we will finally know who Jehovah is blessing.
    There are only two outcomes (that I am aware of) from a JC meeting:
    1. You are disfellowshipped.
    2. You "repent" for your wrongdoing.

    Bill has done nothing deserving of the JC to start with, therefore he has nothing to repent. Therefore, he would be disfellowshipped. The Elders at this JC are not at all interested in Bill's thoughts on the matter.

    You're quote implies that "if he is disfellowshiped, then obviously he was wrong" and that is incorrect.

  • TheStar


    My sister in law was wrongfully df'd, I know from personal experience God's spirit doesn't show up at those meetings.

    By the looks of it... God's spirit doesn't live in your organization at all.

    Did you not read? He is getting death threats from Jehovah's Witnesses and he has the emails to prove it!!!

    HELLO??? Go back to the hole from which you crawled out of!!

  • Mimilly

    Bill - behind you all the way. You've got a great atty. It's about time someone shone the light on the farce that is the WTS.

    Matrix - I use to think like you are doing now, that it would be impossible, that is, until I was followed by elders when I took my EMT course. With no reprimend or reproval, on a rumor only, I was shunned by the congregation except for one sister. I was interrogated without mercy, and lied to. No, not all elders are like this, but unfortunately, the 'legal dept' and JR Brown encourage elders to go against their God-given conscience and bible knowledge. There ARE two sides to the story Matrix. Since you consider yourself in the 'truth', then open your eyes to really look at both sides, for then you've nothing to lose. Practice what you preach - check to see if these things are really so.

    hugs Bill, many hugs,

    "Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent, about things that matter" ~~Martin Luther King

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Matrix suggested, "...why don’t you put Jehovah to the test. If you are right in your fight against Watchtower policy, then Jehovah will certainly bless you. So pray to Jehovah, meet with the JC and let his spirit guide the meeting. If Jehovah is blessing your efforts then something good will come out of that meeting. This way, we will finally know who Jehovah is blessing."

    No, you won't. Jehovah is a sock puppet operated by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's Governing Body and their attorneys. The sock puppet dances to whatever tune the WTS plays.

    True justice wil be found, if anywhere, in the courts of rational secular men whose brains are not inflamed with the Jehovah mind virus.

    - Nathan Natas
    UADNA (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • bonovox

    Well boys and girls, before you jump all over Matrix, I'll take some fire too. I've dug around on this Bowens issue abit, and, if you can conclusively prove me wrong, then fine, I'll listen. But there seems to be a few gaps in the whole saga...

    Some things I've noted:

    - in his May 5 letter (posted on silentlambs site, which I might add isnt up to date if you believe everything in the most recent letter as posted here..if its such and important issue, whats up with that?) he mentioned he was having surgery, and suggested May 24. I so far have seen no response letter from the JC agreeing or confirming this date. Maybe there is one, can we see it?

    - if there wasn't one, which I'm not saying is right, did it make sense for him to round up his witnesses at what he calls considerable expense and effort to come to a meeting that noone was going to be at anyways?

    - why hasn't the letter that was dropped on a chair in his backyard been posted up here? In all fairness I'd like to read what it says.

    - I'd also like to see these alleged emails from Witnesses threatening his life. As anything can be forged, you're also going to have to post up some IP info with some tracing proof. I think it also stands to reason that since threatening death is a criminal offense, you should be able to provide us with copies of any correspondence you've had from the authorities on the matter.

    Look, Im not a witness, havent been one for over 12 years, I just think that if we're REALLY gonna blow this thing wide open, then EVERYTHING should be laid out on the table.

    A letter (and I might add a wildly meandering one that hardly seems characteristic of most experienced professional counsels) from a laywer is hardly a statement of fact, let's try to remember that.

    And PS: try to resist the urge to childishly flame me for asking hard questions, questions that I would equally ask of any witness if I had the proof Im asking for.

    And dont tell me 'you dont know what a JC is all about'..Ive been around the block a few times, believe me.


    "Well the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister!"

    Bullet the Blue Sky, Rattle n Hum version

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