Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly

by Chris Tann 112 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DJS

    The choir went to college and learned how to think.

  • prologos

    Chris forget the ridicule, learn about the issues raised, try to refute them all, and then, if you still believe, be better equipped to "help them deciding", freely.

    dont under-estimate the amount of knowledge that is packed into this site, scripturally, wt wise, scientifically.

  • fulltimestudent

    Chris, hang around mate. There's lots to learn. Psalm 104 praises Yahweh for his wonderful creative works.

    I have plans (during my summer break) for a grand opus on the interesting fascination that the Yahweh/Jesus design team had for producing such a huge variety of unusual phalluses.

    Phalluses are a neccessary part of life, but it's in this field that we have an insight into the minds of Yahweh and Jesus, as we see not just the rather simple human variety, but the amazing assortment evident in the sub-primate life forms.

    All lovers of Yahweh and Jesus will enjoy this thread when I get to it.

    And, since scientists are starting to realise that they have given little attention to the socket, which every phallus needs to function and are now starting to focus on that part of animal anatomy, maybe in the southern hemisphere summer of 2015-2016 I can post a series of images demonstrating the Y/J design team's unsurpassed skill at designing unusual sockets for unusual phalluses.

    Join with me now in reciting -

    Psalm 104

    1 Praise the Lord , my soul. Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty.

    24 How many are your works, Lord ! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 25 There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number—

  • fulltimestudent

    I should've added a serious note - that all the sceptics here were once firm believers. Our roads to scepticism have been varied, but reflect the trend in the world.

    In Aussie land, roughly a third of the population have moved on from superstitious belief in magic as the source of life. And, only about 5% of the population can be found in a hosue of worship on any given sunday.

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    I love Australia!!

  • konceptual99

    Chris, I've joined this a bit late but wanted to throw my hat into the ring. For a long time, particuarly before I fully woke up to TTATT, I was very much like you - looking to synchronise the first part of Genesis with everything that my (kind of) open mind could see science was demonstrating about the universe, development of life and humankind. Frankly, I could not square it and as I woke up and read books like The Greatest Show on Earth, Your Inner Fish and Why Evolution is True I simply had to accept that Genesis could not be made to fit with what we know about the history of the Earth and life on it.

    Once I realised that I could not believe how quickly I deconstructed the rest of the theology.

  • Vidiot

    cofty - "You are beginning to get a glimpse of the overwhelming mass of evidence for evolution and you have chosen to stick your head back in the sand."

    Cut him some slack, cofty.

    He's new.

  • Vidiot

    konceptual99 - "Once I realised that, I could not believe how quickly I deconstructed the rest of the theology."

    Damn, that takes me back.

    You're absolutely right; you can't help but eventually reach a point where it's simply impossible to reconcile the disparities.


    It's at that point you realize it's a whole house of cards that's almost utterly dependent on Darwin being wrong, because once Genesis is reduced to allegory rather than literal history, virtually every aspect of JW Christianity becomes undermined or called into question - the Eden narrative/Adamic sin/Jesus equivalancy/ransom sacrifice doctrine is just too thoroughly woven throughout it's conceptual structure to accommodate something so completely antithetical.


    It's why they can never budge on it.

    A reversal on something that big would require a complete overhaul of the JW religion; they'd have to rewrite huge swaths of Witness theology practically from scratch, and the response from the R&F would be absolute chaos. It's doubtful the WTS would survive the transition.


    When I'm in a snarky mood, I often find myself suspecting it's one of the big reasons the WTS keeps hoping against hope that the Big A comes soon, before the evidence for evolution becomes so incontestable even they can't deny it.

  • konceptual99

    Spot on Vidiot. Once I gave myself the intellectual permission to disagree with the WTS doctrine on Genesis everything else came crashing down like the proverbial house of cards. Asking "what if the WTS is wrong on creation" and then being able to accept the evidence that they are is the one of the hardest things I have ever done. For years I read material and watched programs discussing anthropological, biological, physical, chemical and geologic evidence that flies in the face of old earth creationism but found ways of rationalising, compartmentalising and dismissing it. Eventually it became too overwhelming to ignore.

    No wonder the GB s**t themselves over education.

  • Shanagirl

    Chris Tann,

    Trust in your own inner voice and keep searching. Don't rely on all the opinions here, especially from those who think they have all the answers to everything. Choose your own path and inner light will come to you. This is not just a physical world. There are other realms and dimensions and there is no one answer for "truth or untruth".


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