Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly

by Chris Tann 112 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    Thank you all for your insightful responses. Some things that you have written are things that I can find answers to and others not. I guess Iam going to keep searching...however, I will keep favoring the creator belief. But who knows what the future can bring? Im thinking that this site may not be for me. I was looking for a site with fading JW's who need help deciding. I did not intend to argue creation and evolution. I just may visit now and then but not post anything.thnx.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    HHAAAAA HAAAAAA HAAAAA LOL..... Who needs logic when you have religion and a big shoehorn.

  • Viviane

    Im thinking that this site may not be for me. I was looking for a site with fading JW's who need help deciding.

    That exactly what you have. The problem is that you are looking only for helping them decide on what you want, not one where everyone can weigh in and call bunk on your beliefs also.

    I did not intend to argue creation and evolution.

    You started the thread. What did you think would happen?

  • prologos

    Chris, let us know when you find that site. Help deciding what? Some here are Deists, can not get away from the belief in a creator, that does not need us, and is comfortable with having done his bit. so: how do you cope with the 10 billion long beginning and the talking snake?

  • cofty

    That is very disappointing Chris.

    You are beginning to get a glimpse of the overwhelming mass of evidence for evolution and you have chosen to stick your head back in the sand.

    “Sit down before fact like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads or you shall learn nothing.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

  • DJS


    You created this OP; as others have stated, what did you expect the outcome to be? To narcissistically influience others by showing off your wisdom and knowledge? You weren't asking a question or seeking input. You were making a statement. NASA discovery proves bible is scientifically accurate, followed by a lot of one sided factoids. The responses are not what you expected and they certainly are not what you desired. That's life. I wish you well; come back soon or hang around. And learn.

  • cofty

    Are you still reading Jerrry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True"?

    Any questions or comments yet?

  • alexandre


  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    I will still learn about evolution, and read posts on here. I think perhaps my posts on JW's teachings may b out of place here ,thats all. But u r correct,I posted this article,and I must humbly accept any ridicule with an open mind.

  • EndofMysteries

    I think what he means is he is looking for discussions with ex jw believers in creation or ex jw's / christians. (like minded)

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