Yearbooks 1960 to 1969 PDF!

by Atlantis 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Magnum

    Thanks again. I know that a lot of ex-JWs just move on and don't care about the old publications, but I'm not like that. JWdom consumed most of my life and my having been a JW will affect me until I die as it altered the entire course of my life. I want a library consisting of as many of the publications as I can find. I still have family on the inside.

    Coincidentally, on this very day I was cleaning out a room looking for some important papers, and I found some old yearbooks (70's, 80's, 1991). They had been ruined by an air conditioner that leaked condensate in the house. It would have killed me to throw them away had it not been for the scans you've provided.

  • Atlantis


    Thank you for your kindness! We will post the Yearbooks up to the year 2012, and the other two yearbooks for 2013 and 2014 are still on the Watchtower website. If you would like to have one of the most extensive and complete libraries to date, we can assist you if you would like. You will need a USB storage container with at least 1 terebyte of space. The best one for this purpose is the 4 terebyte file storage USB. (Seagate is one that will work.)

    We will give you our mailing address and you can send it to us in postal mail, and we will fill it up with documents starting from the 1600s all the way up to 2015. We will then send it back to you filled with every file concerning every Watchtower topic from every date and from A-to-Z. These files contain the BOE Master List which goes from 1905 to 2015 and is close to 10,000 pages long.

    Right now, attorney's all over the globe are wanting copies of the BOEs in that file to win their cases against the Watchtower. Atlantis is also working on getting other internal files that lawyers can use to cook the Watchtower in court.

    More Yearbooks are on their way!


  • Atlantis

    1992 Yearbook PDF!




  • Atlantis

    1993 Yearbook PDF!




  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    This is one of the most profoundthreads in a long time. We've learnEd so much about the Atlantis group, their background -- their generosity.

    Can you tell us more about that BOE master list? I would be on that list during the mid 70s. I guess that it includes congregation city and state (if USA)? How about other positions -- ministerial servants, bethelites, circuit and district overseers, gilead grads?

    We on JWN would love to hug y'all and shake your collective hands.

    Len Miller, South Arkansas, USA.

  • Atlantis

    1994 Yearbook PDF!




  • Atlantis

    FatFreek 2005:

    Thank you so very much for your kindness Len! Well, the Master List goes back to 1905 with BOEs and letters, Kingdom Hall construction designs, split off groups letters, (Elijah Voice Society), (Stand fast group letters), Corn Gems, The Solon Journal business envelope, Talk Outlines, and the list goes on and on.

    Your welcome to it if you want it. It is a bit large to upload, and would take probably 2 hours or more so it would be best if we put it on a DVD for you and sent it to you in postal mail. There are close to 10,000 pages and it is a little over 760 megabytes.

    Just let us know! Here, have a cup of coffee! while you decide.


  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Yes,yes, yes!

    You will have a PM.


  • Atlantis

    FatFreek 2005:

    Len, Atlantis has already burned you a copy and it should be in the mail tomorrow. Sending one DVD can't cost more than 2 or 3 bucks, so don't worry about postage. If we are ever up your way, you can buy us a cup of coffee!


  • Atlantis

    1995 Yearbook PDF!




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