Yearbooks 1960 to 1969 PDF!

by Atlantis 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    1981 Yearbook PDF!




  • Atlantis

    1982 Yearbook PDF!




  • Atlantis

    1983 Yearbook PDF!




  • truthsetsonefree
  • talesin

    Excellent! I don't delve into the WT literature myself, but truly appreciate all your hard work. Thanks so much. :))

    Also, I now understand the Nevada! It is several people doing this work? Right on for teamwork.



  • Bangalore

    Thanks Atlantis and Nevada.


  • Atlantis


    Atlantis and I were married back in 1997 when we were still Regular Pioneers. We were in the organization for 45 years, and 20 of those years were spent in the Pioneer Service. We worked a lot of unassigned territory and places where the need was great. Nevada is my personal name, and there are 4 of us that post here using Atlantis' account. Petra and Vulcan have their own home near Jacksonville Florida, but when Petra's mother died when she was just a child, I took on the responsibility of raising her. Her mother and I pioneered together many years ago.


    We were disfellowshipped for apostasy because the elders claimed that we were causing divisions. Why? Well because we were asking questions the elders did not want to answer. Atlantis' grandfather met Charles Taze Russell in 1914 and received the original Millennial Dawn editions. These books were handed down through his family. Atlantis noticed that the Millennial Dawn editions did not read the same as Studies In The Scriptures, and so Atlantis wanted to know why.


    We were told to stop asking questions that were not important! That was the wrong thing to say to Atlantis! The more they told us to stop asking questions,...the more we wanted to know the real truth!


    One week before I was to give a part at an assembly with the Circuit Overseer's wife, they rushed a judicial committee together and got rid of us before the Circuit Overseer got to the Kingdom Hall. It caused a stink a mile wide! Every congregation within 100 miles of us could smell a skunk.

    So, we were disfellowshipped, and Vulcan's wife had passed, leaving a master mechanic with a basket with a baby girl inside. (Petra). Some years passed and the elders then began to attack Petra for having long hair. While Vulcan was outside with some brothers talking about truck engines, the elders pulled Petra from the congregation and took her to the judicial committee room. (Without parental consent!)


    Vulcan is a big guy who has been picking up car and truck engine parts all of his life, so he is very strong. When he found out what the elders had done, to Petra, the veins in his face and neck turned bright red and bulged with anger. He stormed into the committee room, took Petra and walked out of the Kingdom Hall and never went back. We heard that the elders were so scared that they turned 3 shades of white. Petra was only a child when the elders did that.


    So, since Vulcan's work has him traveling at times, we all arranged for Petra to have a second home here with her own key, her own room, and so she could go to a school within walking distance, and have some freedom in her life. I have been teaching her cooking skills and soon Petra will be going to Paris to visit a friend who is in a cooking school there.


    Atlantis and I felt that one of the best things we could do in our life was to try and help others stay free from an abusive organization. That is why we scan and distribute the materials. We want people to have the proof they need to help others!


    The 1984 Yearbook will be coming up soon!



  • Atlantis


    Very welcome!


  • Melchisedek


  • Atlantis

    1984 Yearbook PDF!


    Click the link by the blue arrow.





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