Anthony Morris III delivers judgement on Branch at Annual Meeting

by Listener 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    This is part of the speech that Anthony Morris III gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 Annual Meeting.

    At 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting. "What role do those with an earthly hope play? OH oh ho Veeeery important role, very important. This illustration, the sheep and the goats teaches us that those with the earthly hope have the honor of loyally supporting Christ’s brothers I remember telling a friend of mine once where i wasn’t treated too well in this particular Branch territory, and I said to my friend, well it’s not me they need to worry about, it’s my Big Brother, THAAATS who they better worry about. Yeh, hmm, we had to pray for those brothers over there, (LAUGHS)."

    In other words - you bully, you better be nice to me or I'll stick my big brother onto you.

    It would appear that the Branch wasn't co-operating with the wishes of the GB.

    How sick is it that one of the very top leaders of this organization get's on a stage before hundreds of his followers and damns a Branch of it's very own organization. What a snake. He points the finger within his own organization and says that they will have to worry about Jesus' judgement. All through the public talk the GB members talk about the wicked slave as being hypotherical as well as various other mentions of wickedness in other parables, it just doesn't relate to them.

  • designs

    The bully pulpit

  • steve2

    My connections are stronger than your connections. Be very careful! Isn't that the song of the churches of Christdndom?

  • designs

    Jesus with his mighty sword, angels of death, its incredible what we once believed.

  • punkofnice

    Big Brother

    How appropriate!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Appropriate indeed punkofnice.

  • Ocean1111

    Yes, my take on the overall message between the lines in those videos is "we are not the evil slave folks", and "it is foolish to look for details in prophecy or Bible principles" that might expose Bethel as an apostasy. Now they are aligning Ezekiel 38 Gog "attack" to Daniel 11:44 King North "attack", between the lines, to form a future national set-up to pin the King North fiction on the next Anglo-American globalist opposing "bogey man" that it seems Russia may be used to "fulfill" further deluding JWs that the 8th King is not and has not been "King North" all along.

    Everything about this last annual meeting is further subterfuge and concealment to continue to set up JWs for a master coup from within, imo. The "big brother" reference is the King North "big brother", between the lines, that runs Bethel (Dan11:32a), as a veiled threat to anyone trying to organizationally check the coup, or resist the Bethel tyranny as branches are further legally wired and manned for game day.

    Since JWs have no outside communication network, all JW info and feedback is piped through the Bethel switchboard. So when it does hit JWs can get info from their org/tv if whole command structures need to be taken out at congreagtional level, Bethel will pipe in the Pied Piper flute strains from the Web, JWs will have only one "voice" to hear, they cannot escape the black vortex of Bethel. This is what happens when people trust mere self-appointed men as divine, corporate kingpins no less.

    It all equals great disappointment coming for JWs. The writing is on the wall. Bethel, Bethel, tekel and parsin...

  • steve2

    If those brothers in that branch heard Morris's arrogant putdown, would they have a totally different perspective on what actually transpired? I think of the cruel and deliberately untruthful things the organization allowed to be communicated about the brothers (and sisters) who were forced out of Bethel in the early 1980s - how different though was the perspective given by those who were droven out!

    This organization has a well earnt reputation for turning arrogance and hubris into art forms that creepily mimic the heads of the major churches of Christendom.

  • Listener

    The GB members are always saying how much they love their followers and yet they turn around and are very critical of some Brothers who are not able to defend themselves.

    Even though we do not know what happened, any of the brothers of that branch would know as it appears that Anthony Morris III was not, and has not been discreet about the situation.

    When you have an organization starting to turn on itself then you know that it only encourages followers to leave.

  • punkofnice

    YY2 - When I was a JW I read made me feel uncomfortable even then!

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