by DATA-DOG 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    A sign of having the assholy spirit is when a poster quotes themselves.


  • Theredeemer

    Pesonally I'm tired of discussing faith with Christians. Where are the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Budists and all other faiths at? Lets change it up a bit.

    The biggest problem with Christians is the ego they have to forget that they are not the only ones that have a God. Instead of us faithless people going back and forth with them, lets get some other faiths to duke it out with them. Give us atheists a break!

  • jam

    Yes I would love to duke it out with some Muslim, well not duke it out I would

    like to make that clear, just talk.....Any Muslim here?

  • objectivetruth

    Allahu Akbar

    lol @ theredeemer - "The biggest problem with Christians is the ego they have to forget that they are not the only ones that have a God. Instead of us faithless people going back and forth with them, lets get some other faiths to duke it out with them. Give us atheists a break!

    It would be fun, to create Imaginary Dialogues between Christians and Other Religions.

    Buddhist & Christian - Christian starts off by saying "I'm not even going to speak with you.. You Worship a man named The Buddha"

    Muslim & Christian - Christian starts off by saying "I'm not even going to speak with you.. You worship a false God named "Allah"

    Jew & Christian - Christan starts off by saying "I'm not going to speak with you.. You killed my God"

  • cantleave

    I am working hard on cultivating the fruitage of the A-hole spirit.

  • Theredeemer

    I think in order to be a prophet or a god it requires a good pair of sandals. Just sayin!

  • LisaRose

    I have no problem with Christians who live their faith and are tolerant of other points of view, which I believe is the majority, but some of the ones that post here come across as sanctimonious and dimwitted. They don't know anything about science, evolution, other religions or cultures or different points of view and have zero interest in learning. There is just no excuse in this day and age to be that ignorant. Instead of learning about science or other religions, they are content to use the internet to spread their narrow minded world view.

    For example, I had an acquaintance with a conservative, right wing Christian. With out asking me, she started including me on her email list of right wing Christian crap. One email was a diatribe about how the evil atheists had "in God we trust" removed from the dollar coin. There was blather about the founding fathers and how they founded this country on Christian values. It was accompanied by a picture and urged people to refuse to accept the coins

    In five minutes of research, I learned that:

    "In God we trust" was not removed, but put on the edge of the coin

    It had already been put back.

    Many of the founding fathers were Atheists.

    This country was founded on the value of freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

    The term "in God we trust" wasnt added until the civil war.

    Of course my former friend didn't want the facts to get between her and her (self) righteous indignation, so instead of being ashamed for spreading false information she got mad at me. Boo hoo, that was a friend I didn't need.

  • sparky1

    I can't give you any suggestions on how to avoid them, but I can give you some definitions in order to try to identify them:

    "Delusion of grandeur: Inflating one's self-esteem by self-created fictions; existential masturbation.

    Delusion of worthlessness: The same as above; attributing cosmic significance to one's petty sinfulness.

    In each case, real existential impotency is replaced by fake existential super-potency."-Thomas Szasz

  • Paris

    The question is who is trying to "dominate" who ?

    meg alomania | ˌmegəlōˈmānēə | noun obsession with the exercise of power, esp. in the domination of others . • delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder) .

    Insisting on your own point of view, insulting those who do not see the world as you see it ? Accusing all believers of ignorance would be an example of absurd megalomania.

    Or accusing Christians of knowing nothing about science, when you yourself have no university degree, but the believer does and has studied math and science not in 'community college', but in a real world respected university. Becoming angry with anyone coming on the site who holds a belief in God.

    If this is an atheists site it should not be entitled Jehovah's and advertise itself as a place to discuss biblical and doctrinal beliefs of jw's. It should be re-named as and be a place to tear apart anyone who believes anything except what atheists believe. Its a different format I think.

    It makes no difference to me what you believe. You know what they say about opinions and everybody having one, just like .......'s every one has one.

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESESS.NET The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses

    and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!

    THATS WHAT IT SAYS FOLKS ---- so how friendly are YOU ?

  • DJS

    Paris, as a newbie you likely aren't in any position to lecture others. Dicussion is one thing; preaching and proseletyzing are much, much different. The vast majority of the OPs on this site are theist/JW specific discussions, so your tepid rant missed by a mile.

    Those coming on this site intending to fix, repair or save the lost ex-Dubs with their very own version of X-tianity, where they are the new GB, the self-appointed prophet who has a direct conduit to the big girl in the sky and the correct interpretation of all things scripture and prophecy get exactly what they deserve. They aren't 'discussing' religion. They are trying to convert others or wow us poor ex-Dubs with their scriptural wisdom. As if.

    In addition, OPs which: a. suggest the bible is god inspired when it has major issues which would eliminate it from serious consideration as a legitimate reference; b. ignore scientific achivement based on actual evidence in favor of feelings and beliefs; c. eliminate billions of earth's inhabitants who aren't X-tians from being saved by their jesus/god/religion; and c. completely ignore the fact that states, regions and nations which are more secular and atheist tend to be more intelligent, educated, happy and functional, open themselves up for dissection.

    Otherwise, welcome.

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