Public Speaker Cries During His Talk

by James Jackson 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AlphaMan

    Poor guy probably started crying because he realized he wasted his life serving the Watchtower and now he can see the organization is going bat-shit crazy.

  • defender of truth
  • Ding

    Instead of promoting faith in God, the organization promotes faith in the organization.

    It's truly sad to think of a man pinning his hopes of seeing his father again on loyalty to a corporation.

  • AlphaMan

    Instead of promoting faith in God, the organization promotes faith in the organization.


    Yep.....the JW's have no clue how cultish it is to say have faith in the organization. The organization has become the golden calf in JW religion.....a man-made idol to be worshipped.


    He is in his mid seventies, then begins to rant on about staying loyal to the organization because many of us have lost loved ones in death and if we want to see them again we must remain in the organization. He says he wants to see his father again, then the tears begin to flow right there on the stage.....Jame Jackson

    ............................................................JW`s Gamble With Their Lives..

    .............................................................To Date,Not One JW Has Won..




    ............................................................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
  • Magnum

    Sir82 & WingCommander - to your entire posts.

    WingCommander, I'm crying, too.

    Sir82, I, too, think we're going to see some interesting stuff in the next five years

  • quellycatface

    So bad.

  • Strangelove

    Whenever I warn others about Jehovah's Wittnesses, they sometimes ask how even supposedly "Smart" people get suckered into it.

    That's usually to do with manipulation. If you have a dead loved one, I noticed in service how the householder would jump to scriptures pertaining to the ressurection. It's an emotional tactic that even Intelligent people are susceptible to. Getting them when they are weak. How tacky can you get? (rhetorical)

    I've seen a few elders cry on stage. It never came off as sincere to me. Kind of like the Dramas.

  • LongHairGal

    James Jackson:

    It is clear to me that at this point the religion is using appeals to people's emotions to keep them from leaving.

    By appealing to people's emotions (fear being the main one), it tries to put a stop to people's rational thinking. I do feel sorry for anybody who is held emotionally hostage to this religion because of a desire to see dead loved ones in a never-never land.

    Wing Commander:

    Your post is very sincere and I can see it is very hard for born-ins when they realize everything you have. At 35, you are still young so don't worry about dying just yet.

    I can tell you that when I found out TTATT the first thing I did was make peace with the idea of death and to rid my mind of the tease of the paradise earth teaching. I felt it was unhealthy to entertain such a fantasy. To my surprise, it was no problem and I think once somebody rids their mind of the fantasy they can start living in the here and now and try to find some measure of happiness now.

    Quite frankly, I don't think we were put here to squander our present life.

    How sad when people squander their present life force thinking about a fantastical future. Yes, their life is running through their hands like sand in an hourglass while they wait for the "real" life in never-never land. How sick when you think about it. The here and now is the only thing we can be assured of. Not living in the moment is like not living at all.

    Yes, we all die and I feel sorry for JWs who are feeling scared because they realize they might not be walking into the "new system" and that the same thing that has happened to all mankind since the beginning of time is going to happen to them.

    I realize we are all getting older but I am GLAD I am no longer doing it in a kingdom hall. No more illusions for me.


    Yes, it is a gamble. However, I always felt the JW religion is like religions of Christendom with their hereafter except in the case of JWs, they think "hereafter" is on the earth....But, at least people in Christendom are living their lives now.

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