Update on my Mom - please read

by MrMoe 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    Well, mom is now on Morphine, so she has a few days at best. Her organs are now faling, heart and lungs are the worst off.

    Went in the hospital today, laid there next to her for hours. Just held her and remided her of all the good memories. Like when we went shopping or how she taught me how to read before I went to kindergarden. Her one son is too fuc*ed up on drugs right now to even care, so he has not even stopped by.

    I am sorta still in shock. I go from utter saddness to literally no feelings what-so-ever. Right now I feel nothing.

    When I looked at mom, it was like looking at death itself. I have told her how much I love her, how much I care. She is ready to die she says, she is not afraid.

    Feel sorta odd right now. My real mom died when I was 5, but it was really sudden. This is dragging out, just glad they have her on Morphine to numb the pain.

    Can't really cry anymore, just hope she goes in her sleep.

    Lots of the jw folks were in and out today. They fawned over dad. I know them all, they all saw me grow up. I am not DF'd just fell away, yet, I was totally and utterly ignored except by the new PO and his wife. Pisses me off, assholes. Don't even bother to say hi or anything, not even look at me - treat me like I am dead and yet I am not even DF'd. Love your fellow man my ass. I hope they all rot in hell stupid brainwashed hypocrites.

    I am going for now, at a loss for words. I will fill you all in later.


  • Cassiline

    I am so sorry Moe, wish I were closer to hug and comfort you in person.

    (((((((((((((((((((( Moe and family )))))))))))))))))))))))


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Mimilly


    warm hugs, thoughts and prayers,

  • MarchOn


    Thinking about you sweetie!

    With Love,

  • airwlk149

    i am so very sorry to hear what's going on. your story makes me feel bad for feeling sorry for myself.
    those jw's are heartless and i am so sorry they are ignoring you.
    i will keep you in my thoughts and in my heart.:X
    email me if you want
    [email protected]
    lots of love,

  • Undecided

    Hi MrMoe,

    Sorry to hear of your mom's condition. I posted about my grand-daughter when she was in the hospital and her great uncle was dying there at the same time. They were just waiting for him to go, but he got better and is now out and doing better, working around the house and enjoying life again. Maybe your mother will recover, it happens.

    Ken P.

  • Pathofthorns

    What you have already been through testifies to your strength. There is no choice but to go on and you will make it through all of these things.

    This is not a good year for you, but you will piece it back together little by little. I hope you have people near you to share the challenges of a difficult time. Please hang in there.


  • bluesapphire


    My heart goes out to you, Moe. I'll be here to listen or be a friend any time. Email me and I'll give you my number.

  • outnfree


    You are so courageous and loving! I am so proud of you. What you did, in holding your mom and reminding her of the good times shared was just the right thing.

    If she says she is ready to go, believe her.

    I am sorry about how the Witnesses made you feel. I hope that you told the new P.O. and his wife how awful you felt when the visiting friends ignored you, an inactive, not DF'd, Witness, how you weren't feeling that identifying mark of Christlike love. Perhaps there will be a special needs talk next week and they won't all treat you like a non-person at the funeral, when it comes.

    Hugs and kisses, Moe!


  • ashitaka

    What to say, Moe?

    {ashi hugs Moe, sets up a stiff drink}


    Take it easy, Moe.


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