Suggestion re: Attacks on Bill Bowen

by Kismet 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • dannyboy



  • Matty


    A discussion about Bill Bowen's "motives" is ducking the real issues that are involved. Are we talking about one or two people that have been brutally abused here with no justice? No we aren't. IT'S THOUSANDS.

    What the hell do you think he wants for himself? Does he want fame so that he can get a recording contract or a part in a soap opera or something?

    Luke 6:42
    How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,' while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother's eye.

  • deddaisy

    HEADLINE: REGI U.S., Inc.: U.S. Navy Contract Awarded

  • jerome


    You gotta rember something.

    Many people are not very objective when it relates to discussing JW related issues on this board.

    The attitude is It it makes the WT look bad then i'm all for it.

    This is because many people have been hurt tremendiously by their former religion and come to this board to vent.

    Also because many people who have come to this board have realized that the JWs are a cult they are very suspecious of anything protraying it in a positive light.

    Examples of shuch public attitudes non JW related include the
    Reaction towards communist
    and Towards Osama Bin laden.
    Even thought they may have alot of valid points for believing what they do, the pblic is so against these entites that they cannot bear to hear anything good about them.

    Think about it. If someone in your family was murdered would you want to hear how lovely a person they guy that murdered your brother was?
    Well its just the same attitude.

    I noticed that in one of your other posts that you believe that Jesus is in you.

    As far as I know that is not official JW doctrine.

    WT teaches that the bible was not written for everyone but only the 144000 JW annointed. And inorder to recieve salvation you cannot have a personal relationship with Jesus [as you suggested by stating that jesus is in you] but you must work it out by following WT policy.

    As you become fully aware of what the JW leaders are truly capable of you will be faced with three decisions.

    1) Give up all faith in the JW religion and realize that its all just a sham.

    2) Igonre your conscience and remain loyal to WT leadership. No matter what anyone tells you about the JW religion from that point on it wouldent matter because you will reason to yourself that you heard it all before but it dident matter its all apart of satans scheme to turn me away from the truth. You may also reason tha no other religion has anything to offer so theres no where else to go, therefore the JWs must have the truth.

    3) Loose all faith in the JW religion of being the truth but continue to practise it for personal gain.

    Most of the posters of the board have chosen option 1.

    A small minority have chosen 2. [ You Know, Yadirf. if you dont know them dont worry you'll soon become familar with them.]

    I personally dont know of any who have chosen option 3.

    But its all up to you in the end.

    What ever choice you make that decision will be strongly inforced inorder to minimize any dissonance that you may feel everythim you come across something anti JW.


    As for the patting on the back...

    Thats Just how people on this board operate, you'll notice that as time passes.

  • Imbue

    sorry wrong

  • TR

    I agree, Kismet.

    Wasn't Simon working on an 'ignore' button?


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

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