What Motivates Jehovah's Witnesses To Stay In The Religion?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    A lot this trust and fear comes into play by people's own notion that the bible is holy and truthful

    so they wager what the WTS. says from out of the bible is beneficial not only

    to themselves but everyone.


    Thats a real human folly in itself.

  • lisaBObeesa

    What Motivates Jehovah's Witnesses To Stay In The Religion?

    1) fear

    2) fear

    3) fear

    4) fear


  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Like a drug, it quiets the anxiety caused by life's unknowns (for a time) when they hand over their personal responsibility, to someone else who makes them feel taken care of, superior to others and who supplies a chalk board and pointer and who tells you what to do at every turn. By the time a tolerance builds up to this opium, their in it so far that their personal growth has been badly stunted and the withdrawls and rehab are too much for most folks to face.

  • minimus

    When you don't have to think, it ain't so bad.

  • done4good

    Why stay? Contrary to a popular view on here, I know that the very vast majority really believe it to be God's Organization, they think they are serving God.....so they do..

    Blues - I agree with that.

    That said, there still needs to be movtivation for that belief, (think most people tend to believe what they want to). Fear at many levels, from extenential anxiety to fear of loosing family, admitting they wasted many years and oppurtunities in life, etc. all serve to reinforce that belief. Add to that many of them have authoritarian personalities, (they need authority in thier lives), so they cannot easily overcome the inertia that prevents otherwise intelligent people from making a rational decison to leave. I know how hard it was for me.


  • FadeToBlack

    I think we need to realize that there are actually a lot of JW's that have had mostly good experiences in the borg. Why would they want to leave? If nothing has personally touched them negatively, why would they even begin to question anything? On the whole, my experience was actually not that bad (other than the part about distancing myself from non-JW family). Most people are here because something disrupted the flow. Until that happens. they will be like my lovely wife that came home form the CA today with many greetings from 'friends' who were worried about me and was disappointed that I did not want to attend tomorrow.

    She mentioned that there was a big emphasis on reading the bible without additional added interpretation. I had to bite me tongue.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I stay in the religion because my prayers are answered in wonderful ways, almost daily. I have a very close, personal relationship with Jehovah.

    Take this morning for example. My regular field service buddy is sick and couldn't go out. I prayed for my 'back-up' field service buddy to come out even though she rarely goes out on Saturdays.

    Guess who was at the meeting for field service? My back-up buddy. This kind of stuff happens to me frequently.

    I figure as long as my prayers are being answered, I must be where Jehovah wants me to be---with the JW's.

  • Finkelstein

    If you really had a relationship with Jehovah a watcher you wouldn't be anywhere near the corrupt lying

    Watchtower Corporation.

    Based from evidence of that you might want to check what god your really praying to and who is answering your prayers.

  • Woody22

    I fully agree with finklestein, my thoughts exactly.

  • RottenRiley

    I had periods of depression and weird health affects that caused me to miss Meetings for a year, this was after my Dad died and I realized how bad of a son I was to him. I allowed the JW Religion to create a barrier between me and my worldly siblings (14 kids in my family, Mom is a Witness, Dad was a decent man but never talked much, he was not a drunk and loved his family in is own ways. Not good at saying "I love you" or "You did a good job", Mom was the pitbull who stood between dad's sometimes rage and would fist fight my dad to protect her kids (strange JW eh?).

    I stayed in the religion because I thought it was the truth, it was not until I found out the Pedophile Elder who caused great harm to a family member had confessed and the Santa Maria, Elders kept his confession a secret so he could help all the single-parent children and take them on unsupervised visits to the beach, to the mountains. Now the COBE has cancer, did Jehovah punish the COBE for ignoring the pedophile?

    I am ashamed I did not come forward, I came forward like Robby with my sins and the Pedophile brought up my confessions and used that against me and my family as being a "unwholesome influence" and why the pedophile raped the child.

    My sin was I confessed to consensual sex with severeal of the elder's daughters,(I was 18 years old and they were 20+ years old, one was 31 and was the best in the sack of all those girls),I, we played house together! When I mentioned marriage, they laughed and said "Your only a kid, I wanted fun! I think I was used as a toy, because they had no intention of getting married.

    I stayed in the JW Religion out of guilt, I thought I was a piece of shit and this religion helped me continue to accept I deserved nothing out of life!

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