Inaccurate hours recorded

by snare&racket 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000

    The whole thing is inaccurate.

    The hours don't reflect time spent preaching, but actually reflect time spent in preaching mode, which is very different.

    If hours represented time spent preaching, the total would be so small that it would be embarassing. Instead they represent the time when you are in preaching mode such as driving, walking between houses, taking a coffee break, chit chatting about vacations, etc etc. I'm pretty sure that out of every hour reported, about 1 minute is actually spent preaching.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    My favorite was leaving a tract behind in whatever restaurant we stopped at for our coffee break. That way we didn't have to deduct any time at all.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Foreign Language Search Work.

    This means spending time looking for people of a particular language. One doesn't preach to anyone, merely asks if they know of anyone who speaks a certain language.

    This is particularly true of Sign Language. Members of a Sign Language Group merely go from door to door asking householders if they know anyone who uses sign language. Note they do NOT ask for deaf people, only those who can use BSL (UK). If they ever meet any such they note down the details so someone can call on them.

    Easy peasy


  • pixel

    What Weana says is true. The hours you spent on KH constructions, cleaning AH, are discounted from the hours that the pioneer has to make.

    Which at the end, is the same thing as if they were counted towards the hours that the pioneer has to make.

    Of course, visiting the elder or doing other Christian activity does not qualify for this.

  • snare&racket

    The whole thing is an embarassing, angering time in our lives..... they stole our youth. Those hours reported are not an indicator of hours preaching a good news, it is an indicator of how many hours of youth, retirement, spare time, have been stolen, NEVER to get back.

  • steve2

    Weana is correct. It just doesn't stop Witnesses bulking up their hours by recording the very activities they shouldn't. No way did my siblings suggest they could get away with recording time spent with our JW mother as field service. But they did it. The OP was about the accuracy of hours recorded. The organization must realize at a certain level that aspects of counting time are dubious - but it is a high trust model requiring Witnesses to be conscientious. Whether they are or not is the question at the heart of this thread.

    The "trouble" so to speak with counting time is it fosters focusing on numbers and not the quality of so-called witnessing. Getting your hours in - often under very busy schedules - becomes an end in itself.

  • Rattigan350

    Pioneers could count hours spent in Quick builds or Bethel temp work, up to 90 (when I was pioneering) and now 70 for the month. They couldn't stock pile it.

    The reason was that pioneers would not assist if they couldn't count they time to get their quota.

  • tiki

    I recall it being only for certain people.... like elders working on quick builds could get hours credited, but not regular laity.........and as for the home bible study with the kiddies, only one hour was countable and only for the father. and your time didn't start until you personally knocked on your first door and you had to subtract break and/or lunch time - BUT if you ate at mickeyd's and laid a wt or awake or tract or something out in front of you, you were technically witnessing because people would see it and might ask you questions (yeah - right...) so then you could keep your time going.

    i think too that if elders went to visit the sick or incapacitated they could count time, but only if the person being visited had been inactive in service for 6 months. i think then it counted as an RV too..................

    but........people cheated............some didn't - some were very righteous. others not so much.

  • tiki

    outlaw - i think most of the time counted does indeed come from the comatose...........

  • snare&racket

    "people cheated............some didn't - some were very righteous"

    I knew people that only counted time talking to people, they took a stop watch with them. They never got their hours in.

    Also 'righteous'.... I have no comment, just giggles.

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