A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17

by Stand for Pure Worship 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • westiebilly11

    the whole jw/watchtower org doctrine is one of contradictions and double meaning.....using a scripture ..out of context..to support a doctrine..then using the same scripture to suppport an opposing doctrine change.....when I was in.. it never crossed my mind to look/think outside the jw box at what the facts are..or to wonder how god seemed to flip flop on doctrines....that in itself is a worrying thing...allowing an org to shutdown one's own basic powers of reasoning is a sure sign of abdicating the duty to oneself.....I suspect SFPW has doubts ....don't you?.....but for the time being whilst he/she is bathing in the afterglow of a newly released bible....he/she will continue believing what they're told to believe...because its easier that way......

  • tornapart

    It's not about having a stopwatch or petting a panda. Yes, Armageddon hasn't come as they promised.

    It's a case of not believing something someone says anymore because they have been wrong, time and time and time again. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf story?

    How about Luke 21:8, have you ever REALLY read it?

    "He said: Look out that you are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he,' and 'The due time has approached'. Do not go after them."

    Did you know the society had a book called 'The Time is at Hand' and another one called 'God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached'. (I remember us studying that one in the book study back in the '70's.

    What about the campaign in the '20's called 'Millions now living will never die'.... well guess what? They're all dead. What about 'the generation that saw 1914 will not pass away'. Well, guess what? They're all dead.

    Jesus words...... DO NOT GO AFTER THEM! It is quite clear to me.... and I will obey Christ over men any time!!

    How about you SFPW? Will you obey men... or Christ Jesus?

  • DeWandelaar

    Stand For Pure Worship ... you should live in North-Korea... everyone is united there and the whole nation is happy.... unless the leader dies... then everyone is sad... If that isn't love then nothing is...

  • Fernando

    SFPW how long have you been a "publisher of the Good News"?

    If you are sincere and honest you may want to explore why the "Good News" according to Paul is not in your heart and not on your lips.

    Is it true that more than half your Bible's references to "Good News" are by Paul?

    How many times does Paul mention "Good News" and "Kingdom" in the same sentence?

  • wasblind

    How about you SFPW? Will you obey men...or Christ Jesus?_______Tornapart

    Jehovah's Witnesses " Follow The Christ " becuase its become a way to establish the Marketin' brand for which they have become known

    " Why do Jehovah's Witnesses preach from House to House ?

    When jesus sent out his early disciples, he directed them to go to the homes of people."___Reasoning Book page 206

    " Why are Jehovah's Witnesses persecuted and spoken against ?

    Jesus also told his disciples : " You will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name". The word "name" here means what Jesus officially is, the Messianic King. Persecution comes becuase Jehovah's Witnesses put his commands ahead of those of any earthly ruler."___Reasoning Book page 207

    It is clear that Jehovah's Witnesses do not listen to the king

    and are not bein' persecuted because they follow his directive

    to be witnesses of him ( Acts 1:8 )

    Their command to be called and witness in the name of another instead of the Christ

    came from an earthly ruler of the WTS called J.F.Rutherford




  • Splash

    Stand for Pure Worship: Second only to the Wild Beast's internal divisions, is the divided makeup of the ex-JW populace.

    Like many others on this board I still am a practising, teaching JW, complete with grey Bible.

    The internal divisions you speak of and happily attribute to ex-JW's are actually within the religion as well.

    As you so correctly quoted, a house divided against itself will fall.


  • wasblind

    Splash Two thumbs up !!!!!

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    Personally, I wasn't severely oppressed by anyone in the Kingdom Hall except my older brother. As I've shared earlier on these pages, he brought editorials I wrote in school (of a somewhat political slant) to the attention of the elders in my home congregation. It was promptly announced that I was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and my older brother's ambition was rewarded - he went to Bethel and is now an elder.

    Until very recently, I have been shunned from this family. I now have a beautiful wife and two morally upstanding teenaged daughters who most of my JW family has never met. My family was divided against itself, but I am glad that my brother's sick ambition and cult influence has not contaminated my own household.

    I am also glad that if one of my family members was in a serious accident, they would not hesitate to take a life-saving blood transfusion. I have donated over a gallon of my own blood to the American Red Cross. If Jehovah has a problem with me saving someone's life (and let's take this a step further - even at the cost of my own ticket to a paradise earth), then He can take it up with me later.

    The Governing Body's doctrine has corkscrewed painfully to cover its own mistakes. If you have read any of these pages, you have seen enough actual truth to question. If you choose to be willfully ignorant or blind to the harmful doctrine the GB espouses, that's on you. The fact that millions have left this cult in their own way and have not presented a united front in no way invalidates the original reason for leaving. It simply means they fled this moral and intellectual famine to different countries.

    I hope you find truth someday.


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I'm actually quite relieved I can have friends with differing viewpoints on all kinds of topics now. I have a better sense of purpose and feel free to pursue truly helping my community. It was scary last winter, when I was still investigating all the misquotes in WT and misuse of statistics and not wanting to accept I could have been so wrong in my belief system. I went to CA, spent time hiking, praying and enjoying my own company. I came back, gave "the truth" a fair chance and made the Memorial our last meeting.

    Freedom feels good; you can get used to it.

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle

    Repeat often when making new friends with open minds :) works for me.

  • caliber

    "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle

    If questions produce anger , fear-bonds exist & sets up a chain of events in our mind that produce very negative and upsetting external display of " defensive anger"

    .....fear-bonds produce a fear of loss and obscuring of personal feelings, thoughts, values and desires ( true self can in time be totally lost )

    Thus we get the famous movie line "You can't handle the truth"

    .....the blue pill seems much more easy to swallow.

    The opposite of love is not hate but fear which produces anger when under trial or perceived challenge

    Fear bonds create tension... love bonds produce relaxation

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