"The excitement is PALPABLE"

by Separation of Powers 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pistoff

    WHAT?? What do you mean, what happened when Fred Franz and Nathan Knorr came in the 70's?

    We all took to wearing sandals and socks, and flannel shirts with ties, that's what!

  • hoser

    I just talked to some dubs from our hall and a neighboring hall. They aren't going. And I heard of another couple from our hall that are staying at home.

    They want us to drive 2 1\2 hours to be there for 8 am sunday morning? One brother said if they can stream it to the assembly hall why not stream it to our kingdom hall.

    I think the watchtower is pushing their luck with a lot of dubs

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Reminds me of all the hype preceding Anthony Morris "The Turd" much anticipated visit to Puerto Rico in early 2010...

    Nothing new was said, no new literature was announced... they didn't even make an effort to sound like they're trying to encourage the dubs ...

    It was basically a 2-hour bore-fest of poorly translated ramblings by Tony The Turd and another bethel speaker...

    Everyone left the meeting with a "WTF" look on their faces... classic.

  • besty

    we need to remember jehovahs Witnesses have really poor retention

    this is fresh BS for a lot of newbies...

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Funny thing about you apostates is, you've made a conscientious decision to leave Jehovah's Organization, yet you continue to be obsessed with how His people are being sustained. Case in point, your latest obsession with the Annual Meeting and your pointless observations and predictions. Just goes to show that instinctually you recognize that your spritual needs can only be satisfied by Jehovah through His Organization, but just like the Devil you've allowed pride to condemn you. Pitiful.

  • hoser

    Stand for Pure Worship:

    I'm not an apostate and havent left Jehovah's Organization.

    I'll be at the annual meeting sunday morning at 8am.


  • sir82

    No Room For George / Misery? Is that you?

  • dmouse

    Nobody gives a tinker's cuss what you think, SfPW.

    But we haven't left Jehovah's organisation, we left a damaging cult. You are not 'His people', you are minor religion with delusions of grandure.

    And nothing will be more pointless and pitiful than this Annual meeting.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Stand for Pure Worship...

    The July 15, 2011 WT rag page 16 paragraph 7 says: "Loser J-Dubs (like you) who post comments on apostate websites will have at least 2 WT volumes shoved up their asses in the back room (where JW parents slap around their unruly children during meetings)."

    just saying.

  • notjustyet

    Stand for pure worship,.

    More interested in mind control and the latest techniques that the WTBTS are using to control our family members.

    It's like the survivors in the lifeboats of the Titanic being asked why they are looking back and watching the ship go down. I mean can you deny them from being interested in watching the hull break apart and sink to the bottom of the ocean?


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