"Why would everyone be included this time...unless something special is about to happen?"

by Separation of Powers 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    Next thing you know they will be introducing new light that says those who are apostate will be in eternal torment in fiery hell.

    Why not? When your playing Dungeons and Dragons you can do whatever you want.

  • NeverKnew

    And the reason they won't call CNN or another major network and have it broadcasted is because...... must have missed the reason... Why again?


  • ShirleyW

    I remember in 2002 or 2003 some friends of my mothers from Philadelphia came to stay with her (nyc) because they were going to the special meeting . . .nothing new at all, same drivel they hand out at all the meeings

  • rmt1

    What policy change can cause maximum change in rate of fleece? Following the money simply says that lake side retreat of administrative buildings. A coplaint about the No Child Left Behind Law is that it encourages teachers to "teach to the test". All that TWS needs to do is teach to the construction project. Past new light has revealed that bombshells of obvious deceit, deception, or noteworthy inconsistency have not penetrated the hardened bunkers of cowardly minds, and have not dislodged a great many of those who know full well it's BS (you know who you are) but are hooked in by parental, family or work connections.

  • EndofMysteries

    All of the changes and damage control from failed prophecies and predictions and setting up for the future is no doubt stumbling and causing many problems. Knowing what thoughts the July 15th WT is probably causing as well, I'm guessing the annual meeting is going to somehow be a way to try to calm people down and something to try to distract them or rebuild their faith in the new changes.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    What's the date?

  • paladin

    I heard it is October 5, 2013 in Canada.

  • paladin

    SadElder: Serving Kool-Aid after the meeting. LOL

  • Glander

    rmt - I couldn't have said it better.

  • rmt1

    I have seen one employer who is a Picasso or Rembrandt of dabbing a bit of "we're all in this together" on your festering wound of real insult or injury that you sustained from him or some coworker or third party, and then skillfully redirecting your not-entirely, or even remotely, addressed boohoo to some grand painting of the future. He keeps the ball of the conversation, he keeps the air filled with his voice, he keeps your ear filled with words and more words, he keeps talking so that you do not have a space to insert your opinion or draw attention to what hurts, he speaks over your interjection as if you had not spoken and as if your mouth did not even exist, he redirects your attention to his goals, and his last move is to perfectly execute a structured retreat from the conversation, keeping his rifle of a mouth trained on you, keeping your ear filled, talking about his goals as if they were your goals, even if you aren't aware of it just now, and then SNIP, he is out the door, out of the conversation, out of your reach, the case is closed, the doctor's visit is over, what are you bitching about NOW?, didn't we just go OVER this?. Your injuries fester but he distracted you long enough to see the bright side of just going along with the general flow that he outlined that leads to his goals, which are, after all -and let's not be selfish or self-centered or paranoid or go off the rails or make mountains out of mole hills or cause undue trouble with others or indulge in imagined sleights or be immature- good for you, and good for the team. I love Big Brother.

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