Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones

by bytheirworks 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    There are so many ways to beef up rumors. Word out of Bethel indeed - oh, that settles it then; it's official!

    Fact is, JWs already have enough permission from the GB to pretty much "mark" anyone they personally disapprove of. I've known of JWs in good standing who have made personal decisions to mark other JWs in good standing based on personal justifications. In a religion such as Jehovah's Witnesses, the rank and file have shown themselves fully capable of carrying out all degrees of signalling disapproval of others.

  • joe134cd

    Steve= Go Mum. I had to laugh

  • RubaDub
    Can u elaborate on "the word out of bethel?"

    grumblecakes ...

    Excellent point. I don't think an announcement was made "officially" at morning worship or anything. More likely someone giving an opinion. Then the person hearing it blows it out of proportion by thinking that if it is coming from a Bethelite, then that person knows something we don't know and it must be the upcoming policy or "new light".

    Like Blondie mentioned, until it is in writing, or at least announced publicly at an assembly or Bethel morning worship, it is nothing more than rumor. And even if it is announced publicly, there is typically no enforcement mechanism until it is in writing.

    Rub a Dub

  • Soldier77

    I wish this were nothing more than a rumor. I would embrace this asinine move whole heartedly! It would make it so easy for me to be the push to just say "f it" and be a clean break. End this "purgatorial" inactive BS.

  • Vidiot
    Soldier77 - "I wish this were nothing more than a rumor. I would embrace this asinine move whole heartedly! It would make it so easy for me to be the push to just say "f it" and be a clean break. End this 'purgatorial' inactive BS."

    Well, for what it's worth, I'm 100% certain that Jaracz would have liked to have done something like that; and he seems to have set the bar for the WTS's current degree of authoritarianism.

    "Purgatorial"... well said; I like the analogy.

  • TD
    Well, for what it's worth, I'm 100% certain that Jaracz would have liked to have done something like that; and he seems to have set the bar for the WTS's current degree of authoritarianism.

    No doubt.

    But again, (Not to sound like a broken record..) that would have removed the voluntary nature of the JW minitry, which in turn would have required other changes in the form of a minium age for baptism.

  • 3rdgen

    In the past the WTBT$ wou give "suggestions" about behavior that clearly isn't mentioned in the bible. The weasley words used were "Mature Christions" would or would not do (fill in the blank). Most JW's want to be considered mature and not spiritual babies so they try to live by their suggestions. Shunning the innactive could be acomplished the same way. "Mature Christions would do well to avoid ANYONE who has left Jehovah, as association with such a one could influence a true Christian to slow down his sacred service". Mission accomplished without any public announcement.

  • Flg8ter

    I've thought about this allot....and I go back and forth. On one hand, they wouldn't dare do a sweeping move like that. Their numbers would fall way way too much. BUT.....on the other hand, it would not surprise me. What have we always heard beaten into us from the stage? The service work it what makes them a "witness", it's a corner stone and a identifing sign of being a JW. So.....if you're not putting in hours over a period of are not a true witness andcertainly not a JW. I know ALLOT of them....many of them in my family....and they beat on me, on that point. So....again....would not surprise me at all if they ever came down with something like that.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I doubt there is mass disfelloshipping of inactive ones.

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