by The Searcher 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    It's no coincidence that the WT and Awake on only go back to 2000.

    I suppose since all their content is going on-line, they could even change embarrassing wording to fit current "New Light."

  • Oubliette

    Censorship of images in the Soviet Union during Stalin's rule:

    Doctored photos of Stalin

    This image taken by the Moscow Canal was taken when Nikolai Yezhov was water commissar. After he fell from power, he was arrested, shot, and his image removed by the censors.

  • Ding

    So much nicer that way... no need for JWs to have their minds cluttered by all that old light.

    On the down side, with the constant changes in doctrine, it will take a lot of workers to keep the website current.

  • Oubliette

    Ding: On the down side, with the constant changes in doctrine, it will take a lot of workers to keep the website current.

    But that's the benefit of the WTBTS having all those unpaid laborers!

    Censorship for Jehovah!

  • wasblind

    Tell it Oubliette

  • Oubliette

    The WTBTS could learn from Stalin:

    Soviet censorship

    Note how the picture was altered again and again after each person fell out of favor with the regime of Joseph Stalin.

    I bet there aren't many pictures of Ray Franz at Brooklyn HQ.

  • wasblind

    Hello there Ding

    And the saddest part is, If we tell witnesses what they use to teach

    they will deny it and say it was never taught because we can find it nowhere

    on our website

  • Heartofaboy

    Proverbs 6:16-19

    English Standard Version (ESV)

    16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him:
    17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

    So for the FDS/GB to deny or to try to hide what the 'voice of God' told them to write in the past is to become one of the things he abhors.

    They become liars about their past.

    The FDS/GB are LIARS.

  • wasblind

    The WTBTS could learn from Stalin:___Oubliette

    They already have. And then use the Bible and twist it to justify their actions


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Going along with this subject, I found this gem that I find freakin' hilarious!!!

    WT 2012 1/15 pg 31:

    From Our Archives

    Preserving Gems From Our Past

    JEHOVAH’S people have a very rich spiritual heritage. The fascinating record of that heritage can be gleaned not only from publications but also from photographs, letters, personal accounts, and artifacts related to our worship, our preaching work, and our history. But of what benefit is it to preserve such material and delve into our past? Well, family heads in ancient Israel were to make known to their sons the laws and wonderful acts of Jehovah so that they might “set their confidence in God himself.”—Ps. 78:1-7.

    Archival research has long played a role in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose. When opposers tried to stop work on the temple in Jerusalem, for instance, an official search of records in the archives at the Median capital of Ecbatana brought to light a document issued by King Cyrus authorizing such construction. (Ezra 6:1-4, 12) Thus, the temple was rebuilt in harmony with God’s will. Archival sources were also used by the Gospel writer Luke, who “traced all things from the start with accuracy.”—Luke 1:1-4.

    The Governing Body is keenly interested in our theocratic history. In commenting on the need to preserve, document, and pass on our spiritual heritage, one member of the Governing Body said, “To know where we are going, we have to know where we have come from.” To that end, Writing Archives was recently set up at world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, and is under the direction of the Writing Committee.

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