Another one...nine felony counts - Sun Valley, CA

by Dagney 41 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • adamah

    Hmmm, it looks like the Sun Valley, CA congregation may have been following your bog-standard Pharaisaic law, as found in 'Babylonian Talmud' (Tractate Sanhedrin Folio 54a)':


    Our Rabbis taught: In the case of a male child, a young one is not regarded as on a par with an old one; but a young beast is treated as an old one.23 What is meant by this? —

    Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that.24 What is the basis of their dispute? — Rab maintains that only he who is able to engage in sexual intercourse, may, as the passive subject of pederasty throw guilt [upon the active offender]; whilst he who is unable to engage in sexual intercourse cannot be a passive subject of pederasty [in that respect].25 But Samuel maintains: Scripture writes, [And thou shalt not lie with mankind] as with the lyings of a woman.26 It has been taught in accordance with Rab: Pederasty at the age of nine years and a day;

    Upshot is, if the child is BELOW the age of 9, the act isn't considered as pedophilia (per the Babylonian Talmud) since a child below age 9 isn't considered as a reliable source to "throw guilt at" (accuse) an adult. And the implication is that a child ABOVE age 9 IS fair game for intercourse, since they're able to give consent to sexual intercourse!

    So the critical question is, were these children BELOW 9? IF so, they can't be trusted. And if ABOVE 9, did they give consent? If SO, this "usher" is safe from ALL accusations, per the Talmud (that is, unless those pesky meddlesome secular authorities are going to stick their noses into "God-given law")!

    You've gotta love religious-based "superior" antiquated moral law, and the thinking it encourages! Seriously, you cannot write fiction better than this (actually, someone already DID: the authors of the Bible and Talmudic texts).


  • flipper

    DAGNEY- THanks for posting this. How horrific and sad. Now that Candace Conti's case was revealed we are seeing more and more of these cases coming out of the woodwork. Good. It's about freaking time. With the McFarland case in Ohio, this one, Conti's - the WT Society is going to have it's hands full scurrying around trying to put out child abuse fires . They have nobody else to blame but themselves for their lax, insane child abuse policies in treating child abuse as only a sin, and not a felony crime. I hope these victims get full compenation and the abusers are locked up with the key thrown away

  • skeeter1

    REmember in 2006, the Memorial flier? It talked about False Religions? It had a picture of a priest and pointed to churches who hid sexual predators in its priesthood? It looks like the pot calling the kettle black, heh?

  • Oubliette

    Don't get confused by the use of the word "usher."

    JWs like to make up their own words for things. Those of us that were "in" often forget this.

    What JWs call an "attendant" is what the rest of the world calls "ushers." The NBC news article is simply using a common term that the ordinary person would understand.

    So-called "Theocratic Language" is really just another hallmark of JWs being a cult. ALL cults need to have Insider and Outsider doctrine. A made up "Members Only" vocabularly is one of the ways to do this.

    For everyone else in America, this is what they think of when they hear the word PIONEERS:


  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    If only our friends and family that are still in could actually see what's going on.


    Too true Sammy! But every case like this chips away at them even if only in passing.

  • Vidiot
    flipper - "Now that Candace Conti's case was revealed we are seeing more and more of these cases coming out of the woodwork."

    Oh, yeah, it's definately escalating; why else do you think the anti-everything rhetoric is approaching freak-out levels?

    I said in another thread yesterday that at the current "rate of increase", we're gonna be seeing a new one every week by the end of the year.

    I'm starting to wonder if that was too conservative a guess.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    "Usher" . . . "Ministerial servant" . . . no difference.

    Both, 1. Timothy and Titus attributes 'soundness in mind' only to elders, not ministerial servants.

    You are expecting to high of a standard with these God-fearing people.

  • hildebrando

    Sun Valley church usher charged with sexually abusing four boys

    By Brenda Gazzar, Staff Writer
    Posted: 07/31/2013 08:00:23 PM PDT
    Updated: 07/31/2013 08:03:51 PM PDT

    Prosecutors have charged an usher at a Jehovah's Witness church in Sun Valley with several sex abuse counts for allegedly assaulting four boys between the ages of 8 and 15 that he met through the church, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.

    Marcelo Alonso Lozano, 34, who lives in the Sun Valley area, was charged with nine felony counts, including two counts each of aggravated sexual assault of a child, continuous sexual abuse and oral copulation of a person under 14. He also faces one count each of a forcible lewd act upon a child, lewd act upon a child and sodomy of a person under 14 with 10 years difference, officials said. The criminal complaint includes a special allegation of multiple victims.

    Prosecutors identified the church as the Jehovah's Witness, Sun Valley Spanish Congregation, though police identified it as the Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall in Sun Valley. The church is on the 12000 block of Wicks Street. The abuse allegedly took place between Jan. 1, 2006 and June 30, 2013.

    Lozano pleaded not guilty to all counts during an arraignment Wednesday, according to Uchin Jang, a judicial assistant for Van Nuys courthouse Dept. 100.

    "The suspect used his position of trust to lure these victims back to his residence, where these incidents would occur," said Los Angeles Police Department Detective John Perez of the North Hollywood Division.

    Perez said the investigation is ongoing and they are looking for other possible victims that Lozano could have associated with over the years. Elders of the church came forward with information that led to Lozano's arrest, he said.
    "We want to make sure there are no other victims out there," Perez said. "Anyone we could help or anyone that's hurting, we want to help them."

    The defendant's bail was set Wednesday at $1.8 million, court officials said. If convicted as charged, Lozano faces a maximum term of life in state prison.

    Lozano is scheduled to return to court on Aug. 12 at 8:30 a.m. to set a preliminary hearing date.

    [email protected]
    @bgazzar on Twitter

  • clarity

    OMG another one!


    I guess an "usher" would have a good opportunity to

    pick-out likely victims as they come in.


    In my day there was always someone posted around the entrance

    to greet 'the friends' and especially new ones.........kind of like

    a Wal Mart greeter ......usually an older man, but in the early 60's

    do not remember what they were called .....elders?


    I hope that anyone who has been carrying around these terrible

    experiences in their head, will now put the blame where it belongs

    and sue the bastard and the organization who allows it and covers

    it up!!!!!!!


    This is a long time overdue, there is strength in numbers,

    so all of you who have been harmed in this way by watchtower org,

    we are all behind you!


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